Authentic Living

Relationship in Crisis—a New Wrinkle, with Laura Munson



We’ve been handed so much information about relationship. Generations ago we were taught that we should accept whatever is presented—which amounted to accepting the unacceptable and tolerating the intolerable in many cases. Now we are being told to just “not put up with it.” Laura Munson has a different story—one that is not meant to fit for everyone—but definitely a transformative journey based totally on a crisis in her primary relationship and a decision to transcend suffering. It is a story of empowerment and learning to walk the walk of inner peace. Laura has been writing for 20 years, having published articles in magazines and written several novels. Interestingly enough, it was only when she wrote about her personal journey that she was able to publish her first and bestselling book: “This is Not the Story You Think It Is.” Hers is a story about relationship that you really don’t want to miss.