Authentic Living

The Law of Attraction: Is it Really Working?



Several years ago, we learned of an energetic push/pull called the law of attraction. We understood this law to mean that if we thought positive and maintained a positive attitude, then positive things would come our way. So, we tried that for a while, until we ran into shadow material. To work with “blocking shadow material” we created vision boards, and turned affirmations into mantras, to eliminate potential sabotage. But, for many affirmations and vision boards simply didn’t get the desired results. What could this mean? Could it mean that there is no such thing as a law of attraction? Or, could it possibly mean that we need to revise our understanding of what this law is and what it does. Perhaps we need a giant re-think. This show and the book, coming out in September of this year, called The Law of Attraction: The Soul’s Answer to Why It Isn’t Working and How It Can, will grease the wheels of that re-think, radically revising our understanding of the law. Don’t miss this one!