Authentic Living

Authentic Relationships



Okay, so we’ve spent a lot of time here on the Authentic Living Show talking about the Authentic Self, how to access and live out of it. But we’ve spent less time talking about relationships, particularly authentic relationships. Well, the time and the book have arrived, allowing us to really explore what it means to attract, achieve and maintain an authentic relationship. Our guest today is Sarah Abell, author of the book Authentic Relationships From the Inside Out. She is a relationship expert from across the pond in England. Sarah started out her career as a News Reporter for the BBC, and later became a freelance writer and an educator in the area of relationships. She has written material for courses and resources used to work with individuals, couples and families. Authentic relationships are not your run of the mill relationships—they are the real deal. So if you are wondering how to create, establish or maintain an authentic relationship—you are not going to want to miss this.