Authentic Living




Are you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted and cynical? Burnout looks a lot like depression, but it’s not a biological bogeyman that medication or simple stress management can cure. It’s a disorder of hope and will that sucks the life out of competent, idealistic, hardworking people like you; and it will be an ongoing challenge for you to take your power back! Dr. Joan Borysenko is here for the fourth time and this time to talk about her latest book, “Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive.” Her view of burn out is a timely and groundbreaking work that straddles psychology, biology and soul. Of course, we know from previous episodes with Joan, that she offers a very warm and personal approach to whatever she does and this book and this discussion will be no exception, as she believes it is her life’s purpose to weave together psychology, biology and spirituality in a credible and accessible way.