Authentic Living

The Existing One



You know for centuries now we’ve thought of ourselves as basically evil at the core, striving ever to be good enough to get the rewards that life gives to those who deserve them. It’s only been within the past 20 or 30 years that we’ve begun to even consider the concept that we are not innately evil—that maybe the concept of original sin doesn’t really fly. But then it also doesn’t fly that we are innately good either—for we are not even sure what the term good means. In fact, as we have grown into the practice of meditation and expanding consciousness, as we get closer and closer to the core of our own experience we discover neither goodness nor badness—rather something far more mysterious. We discover the existing one, the I AM that I AM, the ipseity, the divine self. So, while the law of attraction as we currently understand it has us seeking fulfillment by attracting our dreams, the ipseity continues to call us home. Don’t miss this show.