Authentic Living

The Journey Within



There are so many self-help books, seminars and conferences out there which provide us with a technique, or two or three, meant to be used to heal us, and bring us happiness. But the real keys to healing and happiness are found right here inside of us. Through her own inner journey of healing, Trish Bishop has come to understand this concept and present it to others through her new book, “The Question Journey,” in a way that allows them, not to come to the experts for answers, but to find their own answers. We do seem to resist this—we really do want others to be held accountable for our lives. But the truth is that no one is accountable but us, because no one can take the journey but us. Further, there is no journey outward, for only the one inward is real. Trish’s new mission, after serving as an IT consultant for Fortune 500 companies, is to educate and inspire others to wake up and choose to live consciously. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin or enhance your inner journey.