Hello Beauty

Unveiling Beauty's Secret Element: Canopy's Humidity-Inspired Skincare Revolution



Welcome to Hello Beauty, the podcast where we dive deep into the world of beauty, wellness, and the innovative minds that are reshaping how we think about self-care. I'm your host, Joyce Platon, and today, we're exploring a fascinating intersection where home environment meets skincare, and how tweaking our surroundings can revolutionize our beauty routines.In this episode, we have the pleasure of hosting two visionary guests from Canopy, a brand that's pioneering a new category in the market by merging home products with beauty. Lucas Lappe, the Co-Founder, and Eric Neher, the Chief Marketing Officer, join us to unveil the story behind Canopy's inception, their journey to finding a unique white space in the market, and how they're addressing one of the most overlooked yet crucial aspects of skincare - humidity.With the launch of their new Portable Humidifier, Canopy is not just promising healthier, more hydrated skin but is also redefining beauty norms, emphasizing that sometimes, the best skincare hacks com