Keepin It Real With Janean

13th Klanmother Karen McDonald



Karen McDonald is a klan tribe mother, a registered nurse, quantum biofeedback practitioner and trainer and an amazing healer. Karen has been passionately pursuing freedom & peace and protecting children in the courts from MKUltra mind control since 1987. She is also involved in the unlawful abductions of tribal/klan and international star nation children, the removal of vaccines, SMART meters, non taxation and many other causes for justice. Karen’s story of her children’s journey through ritual abuse, mind control and grooming The SOGI flag The Transgender issue Hybridization programs KKK Klan systems There are always signs when there is abuse. If a child talks about abuse listen, don’t assume they are making it up. Sometimes best to find a way to home school Use abuse of animals to control Typical to give child another name to create an alter personality Have to stop the cycle of abuse And Much Much More Download.