

If you want to attract more people and opportunities into your life and business, then it’s time to raise your frequency! We just wrapped up 2 back to back events, our first Dinner Series event and Girlfriends & Business, and I am so full of energy (which isn’t always the case - fellow introverts know the feeling!) When Chris and I left the Dinner Series, I honestly didn’t want it to end. Going into these events I did something different that massively impacted how I experienced this past week. I decided I was going to let go of worry and CHOOSE the energy I was going to have throughout the events. I’ve experienced it myself and watched it happening in the room. The people who are high vibe and raise their frequency are the ones who attract people and opportunities like a magnet! If you have something you are manifesting and want to attract into your life, see what happens when you raise your frequency and become attractive to the things you want. You might be surprised how quickly you see things shift in mot