Help For Hashimotos Podcast

Got a New Years Resolution? Listen to this before you do anything else.



This time of year, after all the indulgences of at least three holiday’s within 5 weeks is a lot. I know I have eaten my share of Christmas cookies this year. And I did it with no guilt BUT I know I need to get back on the healthy eating train.    How about you?   If you said a resounding yes to that question then my FREE 30 day Clean Slate Cleanse is for you.    There are no tricks to this.    It is just straight up high quality information backed by scientific research to help you understand how your body naturally detoxifies itself and what you can do to help it do that.    No powders, no supplements, no starving or depriving yourself.     This 30 day challenge shows you how to ADD in some really great foods to feed your body what it needs to work properly all on its own.    NO ONE should embark on a detoxification program requiring only juicing, fasting or whatever the latest trend is unless they are healthy to begin with.    This FREE 30 day challenge is a great way to ease into eating better in the new