Success In Medicine

Energized at Work: Episode 6 with Dr. Caitlin Sutton, Maternal Fetal Anesthesiology



How do you build a career on the cutting edge of medicine? For Dr. Caitlin Sutton, Division Chief of Maternal-Fetal Anesthesiology at Texas Children's Hospital, it involves pursuing your professional passions-- even when you receive unsolicited negative feedback from colleagues. Our conversation was a good reminder for me that working on the cutting edge of medicine means that very few people have done what you have done. And that means that others may not be able to envision it--and may even discourage your chosen career path. Texas Children's Hospital is one of the pioneers in fetal surgeries (in which surgery is performed on a fetus while in utero), and Dr. Sutton administers anesthesia during these procedures for both the fetus and the mother. She is one of a very small group of anesthesiologists across the country who can do so, having completed fellowships in both obstetric anesthesiology and pediatric anesthesiology.  For medical students, Dr. Sutton provides a great overview of what it is like