Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Oral Health for Total Health podcast



Perhaps you’ve heard that our ancient Cro-Magnon ancestors in Europe of perhaps 35,000 years ago and more tend to have near-perfect dentition, despite not having toothbrushes, floss, or dentists…Why do you suppose this is?  And it’s not because they lived such short lives that they didn’t have time to develop cavities and the like.  Some did die young; indeed, such active lives in the outdoors, hunting with primitive tools and fighting large animals took their toll.  But, as always when comparing mortality in ancient times, we often forget that mortality figures are skewed by infant mortality in those times before hospitals and birthing assistance.  Many infants (and young mothers) dying in childbirth just make overall death rates far more likely, and much younger.Indeed, many Cro-magnon men and women, once they reached adulthood, went on to live quite long lives.  After all- they all exercised intensively, perforce, and ate a wonderful, Paleolithic diet of mostly meat, with some fruits and vegetables, when a