Mark Bell's Powercast

Do we have free will? What if all our decisions are foregone conclusions?



We’ve got no free will. Stop attributing stuff to us that isn’t there. — Stanford neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky When a Stanford neurobiologist states that free will largely doesn’t exist, and he’s joined in this thought by other neurobiologists as well as a bunch of mathematicians, we have to take a moment to think about the whole idea. But was that really a choice? A decision? Or have our particular backgrounds destined us to take that pause? In the world of fitness, are any of the choices we make about training, diet, etc., actually based on evaluating all the available options or are they just what we were always going to do? This is maybe the trippy-est and potentially divisive episode of the show ever – though we as host are pretty much in agreement. Many of you may not feel the same way. Listener resources: National Institutes of Health paper on Free Will LA Times article on the Stanford neurobiologist who says free will doesn't exist___Have a question for one of our Friday “One Good Question