Lessons From The Playroom

155. Robyn Gobbel: How to Teach Kids & Caregivers About the Brain



In this episode, Lisa and Robyn Gobbel talk about a topic never discussed before on this podcast and super important for us as clinicians working with kids ... They're talking about the brain (...Robyn loves to talk about the brain), and more specifically how to teach kids about the brain.  But first, we're so excited to announce Robyn's new book coming out this month, Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies that Really Work!! Weaving together relational neuroscience with practical ideas and application, Robyn has created the ultimate guide for parents who would love to understand and ultimately transform their children's challenging behaviors into safety and connection (... guaranteed, after listening to this episode, you're going to want to go get your copy today!). Robyn also gets the reward for favorite bio that Lisa has ever read ... see below for Robyn's bio (... it really gives you a sense of her awesomeness) and a link to her website to learn about her new book and so m