Q's Tips On Wdrby

May 18, 2016



Q and her guests Fleur and Juice discuss derby and anxiety, dealing with unlearning bad habits, holding your breath when you jam, and whether or not you should try out for the travel team. This month's show is brought to be Rogue Rollerderby! http://www.roguerollergirls.com/events/we are hosting a clinic in June "clinicville in Fayetteville" with trainers Smarty Pants and Jackie Daniels we are inviting somewhere around 15 teams in the near by area, so that's something to look forward to. We also are playing at the low down throw down tournament this month. Very significant as it will be our first chance to play sanctioned games as a full wftda team to establish our rankings. All good things. Don't forget to hit up http://derbysupply.net/ for your derby needs! Use the code ELEKTRA for a special deal!