Q's Tips On Wdrby

May 25, 2016



Q and her guest Ish discuss being in a small league compared to a more established league, what motivates people to get better, will derby get more ESPN time, and how to prepare for your first tournament. This month's show is brought to be Rogue Rollerderby! http://www.roguerollergirls.com/events/we are hosting a clinic in June "clinicville in Fayetteville" with trainers Smarty Pants and Jackie Daniels we are inviting somewhere around 15 teams in the near by area, so that's something to look forward to. Contact us at training@fayettevillerollerderby.com if you are interested in attending the clinic. Rogue Roller Derby just swept their first D3 WFTDA recognized tournament!Good for you guys! Don't forget to hit up http://derbysupply.net/ which is now houseofsk8.net for your derby needs! Use the code ELEKTRA for a special deal!