Gilbert House Fellowship

Gilbert House Fellowship



DAVID’S CAPACITY for self-examination is remarkable. Many powerful people throughout history found it difficult, if not impossible, to admit flaws and learn from mistakes. However, David also understood the influence of spirits in the unseen realm on human activity, condemning the elim (“gods”) who administer affairs on Earth unjustly. We also discuss “the proud” in Psalm 40:4. The Hebrew word rehabim may be a reference to the “helpers of Rahab” mentioned in Job 9:13, demonic minions of Leviathan—forces of chaos at work in the world even today. Our Build Barn Better project is making progress! Our 1,200 square pole barn has been cleared of all the junk and extra furniture. The new floor was applied this week. Next, we’ll insulate the building, install an HVAC system, and move our studios and book/DVD warehouse and shipping office out of our home. If you are so led, you can help out by clicking here. Get our free app! It connects you to these studies plus our weekly video programs, SciFriday, Unraveling