
379: Can you hack a good mood?



This week's episode was a fun chat. In a world where more and more people seem to be feeling down, flat, bummed and uninspired, we chat about good moods and how to get in one faster!We ask the question, can you hack a good mood?This is what we spoke about during the episodeIt's a 100% YES, you can hack a good mood! But it all comes down to awareness of what creates a good mood for yourself.A great night's sleep is a hack for good mood.Maybe you're in a situation right now where you are not where you want to be.. You feel uninspired and flat.The easiest hack to a good mood is to shift your current state.Exercise is such an underused tool to create a good mood. It's not just for a physical transformation. This is why we're doing our next challenge, 21 Day Good Mood Challenge, inside MerryBody.Moments of stillness, such as a 2-minute deep breathing session or a 10-minute guided meditation, lead to a good mood.Cold therapy, such as ice baths, now that is an instant mood shifter. Check out Episode 246: The Wim Hof