Third Eye Science

Ep 173: How can we nourish the body and the soul at once?



There's lots of information out there about how we can take care of the body and connect with our spiritual Self, but I've noticed that not many people are talking about how we can nourish both the body and soul. In this episode, share some of the ways to connect with your Soul and be fully embodied at the same time. When we listen to what our bodies need—move and find stillness when our intuitive guidance tells us it aligns—we can truly be ourselves.  That is what your Soul intended for this life, to be human and spirit at once and most importantly, be YOU. It's really not as complicated as many people think. Listen, do, create, and align with your true nature; you are doing exactly what you're meant to do. My upcoming offerings:Join me every Monday at 5:30 pm on Soul Tribe Online or at your own timing with the recording on the class archive. In July is Quantum Nourishment.Join Kerry Armstrong and friends (including me) for a yoga retreat in COSTA RICA! We'll be gathering August 5 -