Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Build Yourself for Strength and Resilience podcast



I just fell down, hard!I went out to the garage, in the rain, and slipped on the mud around our new sidewalk landscaping project.  It’s been dry here for so long that I think I forgot how to walk on mud, and my legs shot up in the air and I crashed down on my back.  I was fine, and so just got what I came out for, and went back in the house.But it got me thinking:  I’m 71 years old now.  Such a fall might have laid up many folks, and severely shaken many others, so that their back, knees, or other body parts would need medical attention.And that is my point- I am perfectly fine, although a bit dirty.  In fact, upon reflection, I realize that physically, I can do anything I could do when I was 35, or 25.  In fact, I am actually quite a bit stronger and more flexible than I was at those younger ages, and a m quite resilient overall.  Mentally and physically, I can do anything I want to, and never even consider my age in choosing activities to participate in.  I say this not to brag, but to point out that any of