
374: Confidence breeds confidence



This episode was inspired by an interview with Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age when he said “Confidence Breeds Confidence and Panic Breeds Panic”. Not a band we listen to often (Damiano’s style of music) but wow, we just really loved this statement and could relate. We notice when one of us feels quite stressed and anxious about work, it can be easy to ‘catch’ that feeling. And it works vice versa when one of us is feeling confident about work… it’s catchable. What happens when we bring awareness to this? This is what we spoke about during the episodeTaking action is the ultimate way to overcome ‘stuckness’ and panic.Sometimes you need to have the confidence to just take the next step. And then everything changes.How we decide to do something is just as important as doing the thing. Detaching to the end goal can help you enjoy the journey.We need to accept our current situation in order to change it.While we’re in acceptance phase, let’s look at everything we’ve already created