Inner Hoe Uprising

S6 Ep29: What the Heck is NRE?



New Relationship Energy, what is it, how does it drive your budding romance and what impacts it can have on the rest of your life, PLUS have you got a good morning routine? We’ll were gonna talk you thru developing one AND we answer the age old question “Where is the Ass in 2020”? Watch on YouTube: Self Care Tip: Everything you need to know to set up a good morning routine Fuck It (Topic of the Day):  Rodecka, a self proclaimed serial monogamist unpacks the concept of “New Relationship Energy” Points of discussion include: neurochemistry, polyamory, limerence, anthropology, old relationship energy, infidelity, trauma, grief, “The Body Keeps the Score” and much more! Fuck You (Your Lives): A listener named Melahoe declares all men aged 30-60 trash and questions “Where is the Ass in 2020?” Love & Light to our Hoes of the Week! Hoe(s) of the Week: Dontrè H (MONTRAY), Berry (Berry, aka the goat, aka the podcast godcast), Josephina O (JOEY! Aka Hunter), D (Dom), Jamesh