Inner Hoe Uprising

S7 Ep14: Hore-moans, Puberty Blockers & Anti Trans Bills



The hoes are talking all about the science of hormones, trans affirming health care, and the big ol white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist, conspiracy to stamp out trans folks in the United states PLUS what you can do to stop it.  Watch on YouTube: PoliDicks (Politics): 2021 is a Record Year For Anti-Transgender Legislation, we talk about why this is happening and what you can do.  Topics of discussion include: Group think, misinformation, the conservative right, anti trans bills & more  Fuck It (Topic of the Day): We talk about the science of hormones, puberty blockers and how trans affirming health care saves lives Topics of discussion include: Hormones, puberty blockers, credible sources, how cis, trans and intersex youth use puberty blockers, cross hormone therapy, gender affirming health care, non binary people & team sports  Love & Light to our Hoes of the Week! Hoe(s) of the Week: Katrina B (Five),  Ryan L (Deadpool), Susanna M (Montgomery)