Pursuit Of Bliss

How To Gracefully Navigate Waiting Seasons



Why does God make us wait? Today, Kristen answers that question and provides advice for navigating slower waiting seasons, including striking a balance between surrendering, holding the vision, and building unwavering faith. Kristen also encourages us to expand our focus on the blessings that are here to help you build trust moving forward.   Other topics covered in this episode today include: The purpose of our waiting seasons  Kristen's tips for surrendering to your waiting seasons Kristen's experience waiting for her aligned community to be delivered How to strike a balance between letting go of your vision and holding faith Why trust in your vision starts with knowing God for yourself Navigating attachments to what should be versus what is here   Apply to work 1:1 with Kristen: https://form.typeform.com/to/RzGNVeiG Magnetic: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c9tZ5iOjvLQ-BCAJXWTL2x1N5vNTIwF7My0a7IZ_7jA/edit?usp=sharing BAA Academy: https://www.pursuitofbliss.com/blissful-abundance-academy Instagram: htt