
371: Walking more can change your life



In this week's episode, we talk about a simple yet effective activity that is often overlooked in the midst of fancy workout fads and expensive gyms.We're talking about... walking!This is what we spoke about during the episodeDespite the new workout fads and fancy gyms or studios, walking can serve as both a physical and mental health tool.The concept of the "hot girl walk" originated on TikTok and Instagram as a way of sharing mental health walks (apparently... Emma just thought it meant you dress up for the morning walk, haha, ooops)If you don't really like working out or going to the gym, try walking!Walking can also be a way to socialize with your partner or friends.  Based on studies, the faster you walk, the longer you may live. The faster you walk, the younger biological age you are.In the MerryBody app, there is a Walking Wonder Meditation where Carla guides you on a mindful walk. You can start the 7-day trial and do that.If you loved this episode, we would love to hear from you, send us an