The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Fundamentals of Security, Situational Awareness, Cyber-Security & Prevention. Become an Asset, not a Liability | Luke Holloway, founder of Raw Combat International #110



This is definitely the most uncustomary conversation I have had on the Vital Veda Podcast show.By uncustomary I mean our guest, my friend Luke, talks about violence and swears more than any other guest that has been on this show.HOWEVER, the reason why this is relevant and we recorded this podcast episode is because Luke’s work and approach is very aligned with the Vaidyas - natural law, and even specially Ayurveda, how nature governs health.Luke is a big proponent of prevention and expanding awareness. If you apply Lukes teachings with the right mindset, that will be playing a big role in your physical and mental health and wellness.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: