The Melissa Ambrosini Show

512: Solo: Life Update, Weaning, Manifesting Our Dream Home & Current Daily Routine



It’s time for a mega life update!Join me for this intimate solo episode where I'm opening up about the stuff that’s been going on for me personally and for our family over the past month — because let me tell you, there’s been a lot happening!For starters, you’ll hear the story of how we manifested the home we just moved into, along with the exact process I used to do it. (If you’ve been wanting to manifest the home of your dreams — or any big goal in your life — then these steps are worth their weight in gold!)Then it’s time to talk about motherhood and milestones because my goodness, we just crossed a big one! This past month saw the end of my breastfeeding journey with my beautiful daughter. It’s been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life, and closing this chapter sparked some pretty big emotions for me. Listen in as I share about how I knew it was the right time to wean, how I approached this transition with grace, softness and love, and the lessons I’ll carry in my heart for next tim