The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Promote Healthy Bowel Motion Each Morning & Overcome Constipation | Dylan Smith #109



You should be having a complete bowel motion each and every morning, before any food, coffee or tea.Improper elimination of waste products, specifically the bowels is a very common imbalance I see this a lot in my patients, and it not only drastically affects our physical health but our mental as well.In this episode I break down why Ayurveda gives utmost importance to daily, regular and natural bowel motions, as well as the best Ayurvedic practices & natural methods to aid in cases of constipation. A heads up: proper elimination and cleansing of toxins and waste products is one of the main factors that deems an individual to be “established in health” according to Ayurveda.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: