The Melissa Ambrosini Show

495: POPULAR EPISODE: How To Manifest Anything You Want | Lacy Phillips



This week, we’re continuing our look back at the most popular episodes of the show EVER.This time, it’s the second most downloaded episode ever and it’s a deep-dive into the life-changing magic of manifesting.In this conversation, Lacy Phillips takes all our outdated beliefs about manifestation, debunks them, and reveals the pieces of the process we’ve been missing. Along the way, she shares her unique and reliable formula for calling in your soul’s deepest desires and making them your reality. One of the reasons I think this episode was so insanely popular is how unique Lacy’s approach to manifesting is. The difference between her approach and the usual stock-standard technique is truly like chalk and (activated cashew) cheese. Instead of the usual edicts to “think positive and visualize!", Lacy is all about helping you connect back with your authentic self and dismantle the societal programming, labels, and molds that don't align with your true nature. (And spoiler alert: it’s these extra steps that tu