The Melissa Ambrosini Show

500: Celebrating #500, Part One: How To Have A Wildly Satisfying Sex Life, Dealing With Conflict, Our COVID Experience, Epic Morning Routines & More | Melissa & Nick



Welcome to Episode #500! Yes, we’ve reached FIVE HUNDRED EPISODES. At this incredible milestone, I want to say how incredibly grateful I am to YOU. It’s because of you that this show is what it is — a number one rated podcast, packed with interviews with the wisest and most interesting people on the planet, designed to help ALL of us become the best version of ourselves.For every listen, download, rating and kind word, you have my heartfelt gratitude.Joining me for this milestone episode is none other than our most requested, most popular guest — my divine husband, Nick Broadhurst.In this first part of a two-part series, we’re answering your burning questions on sex, relationships and health — including our definition of a healthy sex life (it may surprise you!), how we found time for each other after our daughter was born, the conflict resolution strategy we swear by, our game-changing approach for easing into intermittent fasting, how to support your soulmate when they’re not in a great headspace, our