The Melissa Ambrosini Show

501: How To Get Publicity, Reaching Millions With Your Message & Escaping An Abusive Relationship | Selena Soo



Do you dream of impacting millions with your message? Want to stop being the best-kept secret in your industry?And would you LOVE to know how to become a media darling, so that you can score free publicity, make fantastic connections, and generate buzz around all your projects?Here to walk us through the exact strategies of building your profile, impact and audience, is the remarkable Selena Soo — a marketing genius and publicity strategist who helps her clients become industry leaders.Tune in to learn how to finally get comfortable in the spotlight, why getting vulnerable is a superpower, the secret to getting publicity without spending a dime, how to get featured on top media outlets and influencer platforms, and the crucial importance of building authentic relationships. Selena also bravely shares the story of how she found herself in an abusive relationship — including how it finally clicked for her that something was wrong, how she got out, and the terrifying but liberating experience of publis