The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Overcoming Chronic Health Defects & Toughest Obstacles, From Incontinence to Confidence & Disability to Nobility | Ajna Christoffersen #108



Being born with a congenital chronic disease can be one of life's biggest challenges. For many it may become a devastating & disempowering condition, but some very special humans have a way of turning obstacles into opportunities, blessings even.On this episode Dylan sits down with Ajna Christoffersen, who was born with VACTERL Association Syndrome, a disease that essentially rendered her unable to ingest any foods, have normal bowel & urinary function, breathe with ease,  as well as renal and cardiac capacity & more. However, while managing on a daily basis her wavering physical health, undergoing 50+ surgeries and 150+ hospital admissions, Ajna still managed to turn the tables on life and use the cards she was dealt with to become an internationally renowned runway model, disability advocate and motivational speaker. If you are looking for inspiration on how to look at life through a different lens, and how to turn obstacles into opportunities for growth & service, as well as how to put