Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

Ep. 9 - How to stop overeating on weekends (4 strategies!)



I used to over-eat like a king on weekends. Sure, I was “good” all week. Arguably perfect. But weekends? Oh boy. I'd plan these elaborate cheat meals and rationalized the 'need' for then. Friday then became a gateway drug to the rest of the weekend and I'd go way off plan. It wasn't something I was ashamed by. I still made some progress. But it's like a carpenter working hard all week on a project only to burn it down on Friday! It just doesn't make sense. And while weight fluctuation is inevitable when you’re trying to get in shape, weekend overeating can absolutely stall your progress. Plus, there’s other unwanted consequences... Like your joints hurt because of inflammation from all those refined foods. Or you’re too full and hungover to exercise. Or you throw off your sleep and wake up Monday in a mental fog. Yet the cycle can be hard to break. So, how do I strike the balance these days?After all, consistency compounds (it's on my wrist band as a daily reminder).The truth