Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

[Ep. 3] Lessons from Losing 100 Pounds in 11 Months with Sean Crick



I'm Sean Crick. I was a year ago, a week ago and a year ago that I decided that I hadn't changed the way I was living. Wasn't healthy, wasn't sustainable. And, you know, I'm looking at myself in the mirror and said, you gotta do something here, you're gonna die. And, but where do I get started? Don't know how to get started. And, you know, whether the fake gods were listening or what it was, it was the same day that Mitch had one of his regular articles in the free press. And I read it and he started talking common sense things about wealthy, less calories to take in. You'll lose weight and, you know, exercise 30 minutes a day. Just real simple stuff. And it really, it really resonated with me. So, I took a plunge. I was traveling, I do a lot of traveling for work. And the day before I started the program, I had a panic attack. Like, can I do this? Do I have it in me? Biggest wins part from losing 100 lbs? I just think overall health, I used to think my knees were bad,