Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

414 – A New Look at User Generated Content with Lauren Schwartz



Do you know what user-generated content is and how can it help you in your handmade business? User-generated content deserves more attention because understanding and utilizing this content creation strategy can help you more easily create customer communications and add depth and variety to the messages you send out. The beauty is, user-generated content can be used in all touchpoints from social media posts, to email content and even what you include on your website. To be honest, I entered into this discussion with the idea that we were talking about one thing, and Lauren expanded the topic by defining User Generated Content in a much broader way. So, you’re getting both what I expected to cover and more! Lauren is a thought leader in producing profitable creative strategies for eCommerce brands and a design professional with over 15 years of experience within the digital space. Lauren's passion lies in generating top-performing ad creatives. She’s personally led the creative strategy for top brands s