Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

Tips & Talk 107 – The Truth (Illusion) About Growing Your Business



This desire to stretch for more and more has been ingrained in us over the decades. The thinking that bigger is better. You were exhilarated when you made your first sale. And from there the focus was on getting another sale … and then another one. And when that happens, then you start thinking about how you can grow even faster and bigger. Always looking for that next level. Think back to why you started your handmade business. It’s because you love the act of making. Doing more of that and seeing others enjoy your products is a beautiful vision. Reality is slightly different however, and by thinking ahead about how you’ll manage the changes (or to what level you want your business to evolve) can keep it a business you love. Resources Mentioned in this Episode Gift Biz Unwrapped Podcast Resource List Inspired! Daily Planner Get Free Coaching thru a Gift Biz Boost! A Gift Biz Boost is a free one-on-one strategy session discussion a part of your business you're trying to grow. Maybe it's the first steps to ge