Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

413 – Email Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales with Laura and Adam of Pink Leopard



By now, you've probably noticed the uptick in people talking about the importance of email marketing. That's because (dare I say it?) email is even more important than social media! In fact, email is your key to predictable and growing monthly sales. It’s one thing to understand the importance of email in theory but another to know how to use it to your advantage in your business. Thankfully, today’s guests are going to shed light on this with concrete direction on the “what” and “how." Plus - my huge pet peeve - Laura and Adam answer the question about whether you should sell in each and every email you send. I’ll tell you the answer right now … No … and Yes! Laura and Adam founded and have co-directed Pink Leopard, an eCommerce growth acceleration agency, for the last 8 years. They're driven and passionate about getting under the skin of eCommerce businesses, helping them grow to 7 & 8 figures. Laura also has her own eCommerce store. She understands every aspect of running a successful online store