Survival Medicine

Survival Medicine Podcast: Altitude Sickness, Community and Survival, More



It's winter, and some folks are heading for ski resorts, and that means a big change in altitude for most. The National Academy of Sciences reports that 33.5% of the population lives below an elevation of 100 meters above sea level. That means that, in any major disaster, getting out of Dodge often means heading for the hills. There’s a possibility that we might have to abruptly relocate from a home at sea level to a “bug-out” location in the mountains. Many people adjust to changes of climate and altitude easily, but others don’t; the rapid change in elevation may cause a condition known as Altitude Sickness or Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Dr. Joe Alton tells you what you need to know, and discuss with Nurse Amy some case histories of backcountry high-elevation sickness. Plus, is it better to be a lone wolf or is it important to have a community to fall back on? Many preppers are keeping their thoughts to themselves these days, and they might survive a major disaster, but can it be done all by themselves