Ceb Talent Angle With Scott Engler

2022 Playback: Uncovering Hidden Candidates With Joseph Fuller



Harvard Business School professor Joseph Fuller joins the Gartner Talent Angle podcast to share the latest insights from his white paper, “Hidden Talent: Untapped Talent.” Fuller explains why fitting candidates are  consistently overlooked by recruiting technology. He shares solutions for uncovering these workers, and argues why senior leaders play a critical role in ensuring the success of the hidden talent pipeline. Joseph Fuller is a Professor of Management Practice in General Management at Harvard Business School and co-leads the school’s initiative, Managing the Future of Work. He graduated from Harvard Business School in 1981 and founded the consulting firm, Monitor Group, now Monitor-Deloitte. During his three decades in consulting, Fuller worked with senior executives and policymakers on a wide variety of issues related to corporate strategy and national competitiveness. *This episode was originally released in 2022.