Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Start YOUR Fitness Journey for 2023!



It doesn’t matter where you are now.  Not at all.  This is, as they say, the first day of the rest of your life!  So let’s get started.It all starts with diet and exercise.  Everything in your future life of fitness and wellness. So, this January 1st of 2023 (or whenever you are reading this, I’m writing on January 1st) clean out your cupboards and refrigerator.  Get rid of anything toxic.  First and most importantly, get rid of any toxic seed or vegetable oils!  Corn oil, soy, canola, peanut and the rest- they are the most damaging fake foods you can consume. They are fake fats, that your body uses to replace natural good fats that your cells and brain is made of.  From now on, you only use beef tallow, lard, olive and coconut oil.  Not only will you be immeasurably healthier, but your food will taste much better as well.  Throw your old oils out.  Don’t even donate them to a food bank- all those oils are good for is machinery lubrication.  That is ALL.  Very toxic, trust me on this.And don’t forget- this in