Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

405 – How to Increase Customer Retention with Kerri McDonald



Here's possibly the most important thing you can do to grow your business. Learn how to retain customers who have already purchased from you so they buy again.  Of course, some customers will drop off, month to month, or be one-time purchasers. But the strategy you'll hear about today can STOP that constant search for new customers every month!  Kerri dove head-first into e-commerce over four years ago, driving her first brand to eight-figure status as Director of Marketing in less than three years. Ready for a new challenge, Kerri co-founded The Greenhouse with her partner in 2020. Centered on e-commerce, email, and SMS marketing, The Greenhouse has quickly grown into an agency where clients take root and flourish, generating over $10 million in revenue for its brands in the first year. When not growing brands, Kerri inspires others by sharing her own multifaceted story. From major career changes, and rebounding from a business failure to co-found a thriving business, Kerri helps others craft a fulfill