Logical Weight Loss Podcast

21 Ways To Lose Weight



What's the Deal With Maltodextrin? So I noticed that in my new Advocate Spark (I love the grape) that it included Matlodextrin. Then I looked at their really yummy Chocolate protein drink. What did I find? You guessed it Maltodextrin. At first, I thought Advocare was trying to fool me (the box of Spark shows "Sugar-free." Then I looked at the awesome low priced Chocolate Wehy Protein from Equate (which is also delicious). What did I find? You guessed it Matlodextrin. Lastly, I pulled out some drinks from Slimgenics that I used to consume. There it was again. Maltodextrin. So I asked, "Uncle Google" and here is what I found If you’re trying to lose weight, you will want to avoid maltodextrin. It’s essentially a sweetener and a carbohydrate with no nutritional value, and it causes an increase in blood sugar. The levels of sugar in maltodextrin can lead to weight gain.  - www.healthline.com Maltodextrin is a food ingredient made from starch. It is used as a flavor carrier and to improve thick