Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Pressing Reset



I'm Back! at 226.8 After writing a book, I'm back and up in my weight. I could cry and beat myself up, but I just looked at the calendar and said: "October 1st the day I turn this thing around." I reset some data in my apps, starting getting up a little earlier, walking a little more, paying attention to my water intake. I've even cleaned off my exercise bike as its fall in Ohio, and only a matter of time until the snowfalls.  Don't let yourself get complacent with your health. What used to scare the crap out of me is now slowly becoming the norm. That is something that can't happen. These happen in small increments, and we kind of let them fly under the radar as these bad habits and inches, um, inch their way into our lives.  I did find an article on what famed Quarterback Tom Brady (he is a bit of a freak of Nature). See it at  https://tb12sports.com/blog/what-does-tom-brady-eat  I'm glad to be back, and ready to get motivated. Thanks for being a patron!