Velocity Work

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 151:44:15
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The Velocity Work podcast is for lawyers who run their own firm. It explores tactics, tools, and stories that help owner-attorneys push past simply lawyering well to building a successful firm. Melissa Shanahan, Velocity Work's founder, helps clients and listeners shift how they operate in order to achieve the next level for their firm and their life. From numbers and business strategy to discipline and mental health, Melissa's approach provides sustainable success.


  • #224: The Discipline of Staying Focused

    26/09/2023 Duración: 22min

    If you want to take your firm from successful to a perfectly well-oiled machined that is in alignment with your core values and creates fulfillment and freedom, there are only three things that matter. Winging the next few months can create some pretty remarkable results, but if you want to create velocity towards where you want to go, listen in.   Join Melissa this week to discover the only three things that matter when it comes to planning and executing your goals. You’ll hear the difference between simple and easy, what happens if you wing it, and how these three core ideas will keep you focused and help you experience less friction along the way.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #223: 8 Strategies for Intentionality When You’re in a Funk

    19/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    This episode is for those days when you’re frustrated and the whole world seems stacked against you. Even if these types of days are rare, it can throw a wrench in the game when they creep up on you. One thing after another gets under your skin, and it becomes near impossible to stay clear-headed when things are going wrong.   Listen in to hear 8 strategies you can try when you’re in a funk. Melissa is showing you why shifting from reactive to intentional in these moments is vital, an exercise that will help you identify what’s really bothering you, and why intentionality is key for staying on track when it feels like the world wants to push you off course. ‍   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #222: The Learning Curve of Being a Better Leader: A Conversation with Tara Gronhovd and Pamela Nelson (Part 2)

    12/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    Melissa joins Tara Gronhovd and Pamela Nelson on the Grounding and Growing Leadership Podcast again this week to dive into the work of intentionality and implementation.   They’re discussing what it means to shape a strong team dynamic and the reality of what the work of becoming a better leader truly looks like. The work of leadership is humbling and hard, and it has been the steepest learning curve Melissa has experienced in business. There is no one-size-fits-all handbook for leadership that works for everyone. It’s a realm of constant learning and growing, and Melissa is letting you in on her journey of becoming a better leader.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #221: Intentionality and Implementation: A Conversation with Tara Gronhovd and Pamela Nelson (Part 1)

    05/09/2023 Duración: 33min

    This week, you’re hearing a conversation Melissa had with Tara Gronhovd and Pamela Nelson on the Grounding and Growing Leadership Podcast. They discuss the crux of Melissa’s work with her clients, which is centered around quarterly strategic planning, and why a framework for intentionality and implementation is key for flying further faster.   Tune in to discover how Melissa helps owners and leaders stop getting in their own way, and why aligned execution is the secret to getting results. You’ll hear how the quarterly strategic planning framework offers the opportunity to make better plans over time, the difference between passive and active learning, and the power of showing up for the wee things consistently.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #220: Entrepreneurship Challenges: Navigating the Storm to Reach Calm

    29/08/2023 Duración: 18min

    There are going to be times, no matter where you are on the spectrum of entrepreneurship or timeline of your company, where you are going to be required to step up in ways other people just wouldn’t. Melissa calls this the storm before the calm, and if you currently feel like you’re in the eye of the storm, you’re in the right place.   Tune in this week to discover what is required of you to speed up the storm to get to the calm on the other side. You’ll learn a few questions that, if answered honestly, will illuminate how you might be complicit in creating the conditions you don’t want, and where you can take control.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #219: A Customized Accounting Approach for Law Firms with Jessica Gonifas, CPA

    22/08/2023 Duración: 30min

    There tends to be a lack of confidence around the finance side of running a law firm, and many lawyers often find themselves floundering when it comes to their books. Whether you feel like you “should” know certain things about your numbers, find yourself spinning in emotional baggage around money, or have just never found the right fit when it comes to your accountant, listen in.   Jessica Gonifas, the owner of Silver Peaks Accounting Services, shares insights on finding the right partner for your firm, and why acknowledging the uniqueness of each business is a critical piece of her work. You’ll hear how too many lawyers stay stuck around their numbers, why you might be in a rut with your books, and her advice for taking small steps toward clarity and finding a trusted person for your team.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #218: Monday Map/Friday Wrap: The Playbook (Part 3)

    15/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Friday Wrap is the most critical component of The Playbook for your growth and development as a law firm owner. It’s what offers you the opportunity to evaluate your progress, hold yourself accountable, and learn from the experiences you’ve had.   This week, hear why Friday Wrap is a rich process that should never be skipped. You’ll hear Melissa’s tips for setting yourself up to win at this game, the immeasurable benefits of practicing Friday Wrap, and how this reflection will allow you to carry forward lessons you’ve learned from week to week.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #217: Monday Map/Friday Wrap: The Playbook (Part 2)

    08/08/2023 Duración: 45min

    The Playbook is set up to help you stay intentional so you don’t fall into the trap of wishful thinking about how you spend your time. On this episode, Melissa is walking you through the brain dump process that makes your schedule work effectively and brings the Monday Map tool to life.   Discover how to discern where your tasks and projects should fall on your calendar, and where to start as you execute Monday Map. And, make sure you tune back in next week as Melissa concludes this series with the Friday Wrap process and her tips for setting yourself up for success.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #216: Monday Map/Friday Wrap: The Playbook (Part 1)

    01/08/2023 Duración: 32min

    There are four preparation steps involved in the Monday Map process that will tee you up to have a more seamless experience. These activities were born out of questions people had as they were implementing Monday Map, so if you’re unsure about specifics as they relate to your calendar, Melissa’s got you covered.    Discover the four activities you need to consider before starting the Monday Map process. Melissa is outlining the steps inside the Playbook that will streamline your planning experience, and she’s also getting into the first couple of stages of actually using Monday Map. If you’re interested in diving into the rest of the implementation process, make sure to tune back in next week!    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #215: Monday Map/Friday Wrap: Honoring Your Plan

    25/07/2023 Duración: 37min

    When you consistently honor your plan, momentum builds and you make steady progress towards your goals. On the other hand, when you fail to honor your plan, you risk losing momentum and miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and success. And the key factor at play here? Your brain.   Discover how your brain is the ultimate productivity tool when it comes to honoring your plan. You’ll learn about your brain’s natural desires and how to override them, the skills you’ll have to master to reap insane rewards, and how doing this work will completely transform the way you operate.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #214: Monday Map/Friday Wrap: Planning Your Time

    18/07/2023 Duración: 20min

    The Monday Map/Friday Wrap process is one of the most fruitful pieces of work Melissa does with her members and clients. It’s what gets them dialed in with intention and discipline to make their plans come to life.    Listen in this week as Melissa gives you a rundown of the Monday Map/Friday Wrap process and what is required to utilize this tool effectively. She’s showing you what it means to strategically plan your time and the importance of a comprehensive plan. And make sure to tune in next week to hear the other side of the coin when it comes to using this process: honoring your plan.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #213: Your Definition of Productivity & Using Monday Map/Friday Wrap

    11/07/2023 Duración: 18min

    Are you clear on what you are going to get accomplished this quarter? If you don’t, this episode is a must-listen. And if you do, but find yourself starting out strong and then flaming out in busyness, this is for you too.   Monday Map/Friday Wrap is a weekly process that Melissa and her clients use to take action every single week with intention and purpose. To fly further faster, you need to know exactly what you’re aiming for, plan it, and then honor your commitments. As always, this is about progress, not perfection, and Melissa is here to offer food for thought around increasing your intentionality behind your strategic planning.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #212: The Engagement Scale: Identifying the Next Right Step

    04/07/2023 Duración: 19min

    How do you rate yourself when it comes to the results you’re trying to create? You might rate how well you did something or the level of success you managed to achieve. There’s absolutely a time and place for that, however, there’s also a more fruitful way to get better results.   This week, Melissa introduces you to a concept she uses called the Engagement Scale. Discover what the engagement scale exercise looks like in action, and how it helps you take sustainable action and make progress. You’ll hear why shooting for a 10 on the engagement scale isn’t an effective strategy, and powerful questions to ask yourself that will force your brain to serve up the next right steps.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #211: Calculating Your Revenue: Average Value Per Case & Average Collection Per Case

    27/06/2023 Duración: 11min

    Average revenue per case is an equation that’s used often in Mastery Group. It’s a fulcrum number that is vital in strategic planning because it allows you to project forward the number of cases or matters that need to come through the door in order for you to hit the revenue goal you’ve set for your firm.   However, too many owners aren’t factoring in the discrepancy that often happens between what’s billed and what’s actually collected. If these numbers are far apart, cleaning them up needs to be a Rock or key quarterly priority. Making headway on the money that should be collected per case is an essential piece of getting your house in order and building a solid foundation, and Melissa is showing you how in this episode.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #210: Answer Meetings: A Container for Finding Solutions

    20/06/2023 Duración: 23min

    As an owner, you’ve probably felt as if you’re the only one catching problems in your company. You might approach your team and ask them what went wrong or how to avoid similar obstacles in the future. Sometimes they have an answer, sometimes they don’t, but they’ve likely left the conversation feeling personally attacked, even if that wasn’t your intention.   Melissa offers prompts for identifying problems and solutions through answer meetings. You’ll hear the positive byproducts that have resulted both for herself and her team through this practice, and why it’s the secret to creating win-win-win results for your clients, your team, and your organization as a whole.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #209: Leadership Work That Matters: Building Trust & Emotional Maturity with Tara Gronhovd and Pamela Nelson

    13/06/2023 Duración: 58min

    If you value your company and those under your leadership, cultivating trust and emotional maturity are non-negotiable.   Melissa is back this week with CEO of Align, Tara Gronhovd and her Align leadership coach and counsellor, Pamela Nelson. They’re here to share how emotional maturity plays a part in deepening trust within your team, and the opportunity it provides you as a leader to enhance their lives.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #208: The Vital Role of Trust in Your Business with Tara Gronhovd

    06/06/2023 Duración: 44min

    Trust is foundational for any team to be effective, and if you lack trust, you’ll waste a lot of time and energy with miscommunication, conflict, and tension. Being unable to trust beyond your own capacity is the reason a lot of business owners keep their businesses small. To help you with this, Tara Gronhovd is back this week, and she’s giving you some things to think about when it comes to trust in your business.   Join Melissa and Tara as they dive deeper into the vital role of trust in the workplace. Hear some definitions of trust and some of the different elements of trust, why this work is so important and valuable, and the problem with not having trust in your team.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #207: How to Address Your Firm’s Bottlenecks with Ben Hudson and John Grant

    30/05/2023 Duración: 01h35s

    Hear Melissa’s conversation with Mastery Group member Ben Hudson of Hudson Law and John Grant of Agile Attorney Consulting. Ben shares what it’s like being facilitated through Monday Map, his work focusing on the Kanban methodology with John, and why they’re complementary.   Discover the value of getting expert help to help you accomplish your goals, and how Melissa and John are essentially cracking the same nut, but with slightly different approaches. Ben offers context for what exactly Velocity Work is, and the work he’s done to optimize his firm.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #206: Understanding Advanced Client Costs with Claudia Revermann

    23/05/2023 Duración: 36min

    Did you know that you might be unwittingly skewing the true numbers in your business? Whether it’s client costs, case costs, court filing fees, or other items you might be tacking on to your client’s bill and categorizing as income, what you’re seeing isn’t your real revenue.   Melissa is speaking to expert in this field, Claudia Revermann. Claudia is an attorney and the owner of Revermann Law where she primarily does estate planning, business, and real estate, and she's also a CPA. Claudia shares her wisdom on figuring out your natural revenue, how to establish a strong working relationship with your accountant, and how to partner with them in getting to the real numbers.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #205: Deconstructing Rocks: An Example Break Down with Jim Hart

    16/05/2023 Duración: 36min

    Jim Hart is a trademark lawyer and founder of The Hart Law Firm where he works exclusively with online business owners, coaches, freelancers, and other entrepreneurs to help them take legal ownership of their brand by securing Federal Trademark protection.   Melissa is taking the opportunity to touch base with Jim on his quarterly Rocks. Examining your goals sounds easy and straightforward, but is often more challenging than you might think. You’ll hear what it’s like to break down and deconstruct your Rocks to gain complete clarity around what’s truly possible in a quarter.    Get full show notes and more information here:

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