Velocity Work

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 151:44:15
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The Velocity Work podcast is for lawyers who run their own firm. It explores tactics, tools, and stories that help owner-attorneys push past simply lawyering well to building a successful firm. Melissa Shanahan, Velocity Work's founder, helps clients and listeners shift how they operate in order to achieve the next level for their firm and their life. From numbers and business strategy to discipline and mental health, Melissa's approach provides sustainable success.


  • #264: Is Your People Cost Healthy?

    02/07/2024 Duración: 37min

    What is your people cost? Do you know what should be included in and excluded from your people cost? And how can getting into the nitty-gritty from a numbers perspective help you run your firm more smoothly and even create happier employees and clients?   If you feel like you’re just surviving as a law firm owner right now and want to understand the levers you can pull to truly thrive, listen in. Melissa is showing you how to calculate your people cost, what you might need to do if your people cost is higher or lower than it should be, and she’s also giving you prompts that will allow you to run the checks and balances necessary for a healthy firm.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #263: Hiring: The Smartest Way to Build Your Team

    25/06/2024 Duración: 48min

    Are you aware of the return on investment you’re getting from your hires? Does it feel like you have to watch your pennies when it comes to taking an owner’s draw or rewarding your team? How might you be hiring blindly, and how is it affecting the health of both your business and your team?   If you’re embarking on your team-building journey with hunches or an unwillingness to look at the math, listen in today to hear how you’re setting your business up for failure. Melissa is showing you the order in which you should be hiring, why you must raise your standards when it comes to the ROI from your team, and how to avoid bloating your people cost.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #262: Don’t Get Scammed: Numbers Are Your Roadmap, Not Coaching

    18/06/2024 Duración: 17min

    There’s a recurring theme Melissa has noticed in her consult calls with law firm owners. They’re willing to pay thousands on coaching programs without understanding the health of their business, and if this is you, Melissa is here this week to show you why you have no business paying that much when you don’t know what’s going on under the hood of your firm. You’ll learn what happens when you can’t answer basic questions about gross revenue or net profit, how this is a super common experience among owners, and why getting back to the fundamentals doesn’t have to cost thousands.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #261: The Power of Prioritizing: How to Move the Needle on Important Things

    11/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    It’s human nature to fixate on day-to-day tasks—whether that’s in your firm, your personal life, or elsewhere. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by the prospect of achieving something greater for your practice or you think that anything outside of those menial tasks requires too much time and energy. Well, consider this your wake up call.    If you’re ready to lock in (and do so relentlessly), Melissa has the insights to help you manage your priorities so you not only get more done but enter a state in which you can achieve more in an efficient manner. It’s all about finding “flow”. Tune in as she breaks down how to become more focused and turn off the voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #260: How to Elevate Your Law Firm’s Online Presence with Matt Burke

    04/06/2024 Duración: 46min

    Melissa’s guest this week is someone who has won over not only the Velocity Work community, but the law firm owner sphere as a whole. If your firm’s digital marketing process is something that leaves you overwhelmed and confused, you have no idea what your marketing company is doing for you, or you want to better understand how to get higher-quality leads, you’re in the right place.   Matt Burke is the CEO of ZillaMetrics: a digital marketing company that helps law firms get not just more, but better leads. His philosophy and expertise on digital marketing specific to law firms has been game-changing for many of Melissa’s clients, and he’s here to share his insights on how ZillaMetrics uniquely serves law firms.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #259: From Maxed Out to Manageable: How to Reconnect with What's Most Important

    28/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    If you’re like most law firm owners, you run hot all the time. Your calendar is full of obligations, weekends are far from relaxing, and it’s causing you pain. The reality is, as important as all these things feel, not everything can be a top priority. So where do you draw the line?   It can be incredibly defeating to feel like you can’t get your head above water no matter how hard you try. In this episode, Melissa is highlighting the ways law firm owners expect themselves to operate at an unsustainable pace, the downsides of doing so, and how the Monday Map process helps you pull the plug on this way of being so you can play the long game.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #258: Navigating Peaks: Staying Sharp and Avoiding Sabotage at Every Level

    21/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    Do you know where your business falls on the S-curve right now? The S-Curve illustrates the growth of a small business from initial slow growth, to expansion, to a plateau as the market saturates. This means that after a phase of hyper-growth, you will most likely experience a tapering off, and this period is full of opportunities you can take to ensure the long-term health of your firm.   Join Melissa this week as she shows you how to navigate the peaks and plateaus in your firm’s S-Curve, and the key pieces you must address during these periods for the long-term success of your company. You’ll learn why plateaus are a sign of a healthy business, the importance of being both honest and curious as an owner, and how to avoid getting distracted by shiny object syndrome.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #257: The Awesome 80%: Celebrating Good Enough

    14/05/2024 Duración: 28min

    In a world that tells you there’s one right way to do things and perfection is virtuous, you’re not alone if you feel resistance to the idea that 80% is enough. The Awesome 80% is the foundation to Melissa’s work across all of her programs, and she’s here today to show you the power of celebrating good enough.   Tune in to learn about the importance of aiming for progress, not perfection, and why you only need to strive for 80% in anything you do. Melissa is sharing examples from inside her Mastery Group of what happens when you’re in the practice of celebrating good enough, and why real progress gets made when you adopt this mindset.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #256: What IS Mastery Group?! With Client Services Manager Mika Beccone

    07/05/2024 Duración: 39min

    If you’re a long-time listener of the show, you’ll likely be familiar with Mastery Group; the container in which quarterly strategic planning is facilitated. Melissa has the perfect guest on the show this week to dive deep into what you can expect from Mastery Group, Client Services Manager Mika Beccone. Mika is the backend coordinator and point person for all members, and she’s here to shed light on what goes on inside.   Tune in this week to learn everything you need to know about Mastery Group, from the resources available to you inside and what to expect when you join, to how much time you need to invest in the program, and Mika’s top three pieces of advice to all new members.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #255: What IS Strategic Planning?!

    30/04/2024 Duración: 24min

    If you’ve ever questioned the power of strategic planning, look no further. Melissa has centered her entire business around it for good reason, and she believes it is vital for every firm to do. On this episode, she’s laying out the key aspects involved in effective strategic planning so you can plug yourself into this process in a meaningful way and fly further faster.   Tune in this week to learn what strategic planning is and why every law firm owner needs this process. Melissa is sharing the basic elements of strategic planning that make it a game-changing system, how Monday Map/Friday Wrap works perfectly alongside it, and how this framework will help you create the velocity you need to get where you want to go in a more streamlined way.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #254: How the Sausage Gets Made: A Healthy Firm Requires You to Dig Back in From Time to Time

    23/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    There’s a notion in law firm owner communities that owners ought to stay above the fray, and that they don’t need to know how the sausage gets made within certain elements of their businesses. The truth is there’s a fine line between knowing how the sausage gets made and neglecting something important inside your business. Melissa is sharing her thoughts on this today.   Tune in as Melissa explains why people who have experienced new success tend to think they no longer need to get in the weeds of their business, what a healthy amount of digging into your business looks like, and the importance of owning your hunches to ensure a healthy firm.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #253: Make the Invisible Work Visible: An Audit of Your Calendar

    16/04/2024 Duración: 22min

    Your time is your most precious asset, and the reality is, your calendar probably doesn’t accurately reflect how you’re spending it. When you own a law firm, there is so much invisible work that doesn't get captured anywhere, and the only way to truly know where you can buy back your time is to take stock of where it’s going right now.   Join Melissa on this episode as she gives you a time auditing exercise that will make your invisible work visible. You’ll learn why creating space is essential if you want to grow a healthy firm and how you’ll end up throwing money at the problem if you don’t take action to eliminate your time sinks.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #252: Want to Give Out Impromptu Bonuses? Do This Before Shelling Out Cash

    09/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    Rewarding your team with an unexpected bonus when the firm is thriving feels good, not just for them but for you too. However, shelling out cash without evaluating all the variables can end up creating a win-lose situation for your employees and the continued health of your firm.   Join Melissa on this episode as she offers you a guide for giving impromptu bonuses. You’ll learn why protecting the health of your firm must be a top priority, an evaluation process that will ground you in facts, not feelings, the four financial metrics you must be addressing, and Melissa’s favorite ideas for rewarding your team in non-monetary ways if you’re not quite ready to give them cash.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #251: Peak Performance Under Pressure: Strategies for Success When It Counts

    02/04/2024 Duración: 23min

    Periods of high pressure are inevitable as a law firm owner. It is crucial to support yourself to get through these times with as much ease, flow, and productivity as possible, but the reality is that most owners are not planning ahead.   Join Melissa this week as she shows you why supporting yourself and your health is of utmost importance during phases of high pressure. You’ll learn how owners tend to sabotage themselves when the stakes are high, why problems occur when you don’t factor stress in ahead of time, and Melissa’s top tips for proactively supporting yourself during these periods in your firm. ‍   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #250: True Humility: Taking Credit Where It’s Due with Tara Gronhovd

    26/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Are you prone to brushing off your contributions or wins in the name of humility? What are the dangers of not taking credit where it’s due as a leader? Tara Gronhovd is the CEO of Align, where she provides team-focused leadership coaching and development, and she's joining Melissa on the podcast this week to talk about why humility is key to the success you’re seeking for your firm.   Join Melissa and Tara as they dive into the meaning of true humility and the importance of owning what you do well. They’re exploring why most leaders are uncomfortable owning their strengths, and how you can exponentially grow your strengths by becoming more aware of them.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #249: Leading Productive Meetings: How to Influence Behavior and Increase Engagement

    19/03/2024 Duración: 23min

    How often do your meetings feel like a drag? A few key things must be in place if you want to avoid unfocused, distracted, and unproductive meetings, and simple tweaks can be the difference between meetings that feel like duds and meetings that have your whole team shining. Melissa is laying out the keys for you this week.   Tune in to discover seven strategies for running focused, productive, and highly engaged meetings. You’ll learn what may be contributing to meetings that feel like a drag and Melissa’s top tips for leaning into human psychology to lead effective meetings.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #248: When You Feel Blindsided: How to Take Better Action

    12/03/2024 Duración: 21min

    What do you do when something that feels like an emergency happens in your firm? Whether it’s a key member of your team resigning, receiving a terrible review, or anything else that catches you off guard, Melissa is offering you a guide this week for what to do when you feel blindsided.   In this episode, you’ll learn how handling emotionally charged situations differs from other challenges in your firm, questions to ask yourself to produce the most productive outcomes, and how to embody business-owner maturity in even the toughest situations.    Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #247: When Chasing High Growth Rates Becomes Counterproductive

    05/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    While you might believe shooting for high growth rates year after year will help you find the success you’re seeking as a business owner, Melissa is here this week to show you why a constant commitment to growth might actually be creating problems in your business that are hard to recover from.    Tune in to hear the four byproducts that come from chasing high growth rates year after year, and how they can become untenable for you, your team, your clients, and your overall business. You’ll learn how to play the long game instead, and Melissa’s tips for handling a high-growth year with grace and intention.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #246: PSA: Stop Complaining About Your Team

    27/02/2024 Duración: 22min

    As a law firm owner, it's easy to fall into the trap of complaining in times of frustration, but expending energy wallowing in problems can have direct, long-lasting negative impacts on your firm. If you’re focused on complaining, you aren’t focused on effective problem-solving.    Tune in this week as Melissa outlines exactly how complaining is negatively impacting your firm's culture, morale, and productivity, and a couple of exercises to snap yourself out of the negativity cycle the next time you catch yourself in it.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • #245: Putting Band-Aids on Problems vs Root Cause Analysis

    20/02/2024 Duración: 28min

    Do you take time to investigate the problems that crop up in your law firm? To dig under the surface-level symptoms? Or do you do what's necessary to keep moving forward and stick a pin in them for a later date?   Unlike surface-level problem-solving, root cause analysis aims to uncover the root cause of a problem and prevent it from recurring, and it’s the secret to saving you, your team, and your clients a ton of heartache and pain. Listen in this week to hear why root cause analysis is the most responsible way of dealing with problems in your firm, and Melissa’s favorite tool for uncovering the deeper reasons something isn’t working.    Get full show notes and more information here:

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