Intentional Living With Tanya Hale



Join certified life coach Tanya Hale on a journey of discovering how to live a more meaningful life filled with acceptance, contentment, and happiness.


  • #73 Time Management

    18/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    #9 on our list of mentally healthy behaviors is Time Management.  Technically, it's managing ourselves within our time, and it's brilliant when we can wrap our discipline around being clear on what we want and need to do to progress into a better version of ourselves.  On this podcast we talk about the processes necessary for better "time management" and why it's all so important, anyway.  Turns out, it's vital for our self-respect which is always a must for better mental health.

  • #72 Unconditional Self-Love

    11/11/2019 Duración: 26min

    #8 on our list of things we need to be mentally healthy is unconditional self-love.  This one is SO IMPORTANT!  When we can first, learn what it really means to have unconditional love, and then apply that to ourselves, we are finding a place of acceptance and kindness and real growth.  And mentally healthy people grow, and grow often!  They embrace their imperfections as part of this amazing human journey and they exhibit grit and resilience.  This is all part of our unconditional self-love.  

  • #71 Contribution

    04/11/2019 Duración: 22min

    #7 on our list of important things to do to have good mental health is contribution.  This refers to contributing to ourselves in order to become the best version that we can be, and then turning that best version around to contribute to the world in meaningful ways.  And a third piece to this -- embracing our contributions as important and valuable to the world.  Such a great piece to the mental health component!

  • #70 Self Reflection and Self Coaching

    31/10/2019 Duración: 30min

    #6 on our list of mental health behaviors is self reflection and self coaching.  When we become more aware of where we really are, and when we can start intentionally moving ourselves out of negative thinking and into more positive thinking, we are also moving into better mental health.  Awareness and intentional change are a powerful combination in helping us to truly discover our true selves.

  • #69 Internal Control

    28/10/2019 Duración: 18min

    #5 on our list of good mental health indicators is internal control.  This refers to our ability to take full responsibility for our feelings, realizing they come from our thoughts rather than from external situations.  Tapping into our internal control allows us to feel empowered in relation to our future and our potential rather than at the mercy of outside forces.  And feeling empowered is great for our mental health.

  • #68 Taking Action

    24/10/2019 Duración: 20min

    #4 in Brooke Castillo's list of things we need to do for good mental health: Take Action.  And this is brilliant because when we take action we create confidence and self-respect.  We grow into the person of our dreams and we move forward in accomplishing our goals.  And all of those things are key elements of having great mental health.  

  • #67 Buffering

    21/10/2019 Duración: 18min

    #3 for better mental health is little to no buffering.  Buffering is the process of using something external to try and solve for an internal problem, such as emotional discomfort.  But buffering, although it may feel good in the moment, has some unintended consequences such as keeping us from truly experiencing life and keeping us from truly knowing who we really are.  Discovering how and why we buffer and how to stop is a huge component in getting to greater mental health.

  • #66 Emotional Balance

    17/10/2019 Duración: 28min

    #2 in our list of things we need to have good mental health is emotional balance.  Here we are talking about the 50/50 balance of positive and negative emotions, and specifically about our ability or inability to feel and work through the negative ones.  They can be challenging for sure, but only in choosing to feel them can we find the balance that we seek that brings mental health.

  • #65 Future Plans

    14/10/2019 Duración: 20min

    Future plans, #1 on the list of what we need to have better mental health.  Consistently moving toward growth by tapping into our potential and our dreams is an amazing place that helps us find greater fulfillment and satisfaction in life.  If you feel as though you are just living on auto-pilot most of the time, not growing into a greater version of yourself and not experiencing the joys you feel you are meant to experience, this is a great place to start!

  • #64 Mental Health

    10/10/2019 Duración: 21min

    It's fascinating that our culture often defines mental health by stating that it is not having a mental illness.  But mental health is so much more than that!  It is more accurately defined by our ability to be resilient and work through tough emotional and mental situation in a healthy way.  Today we are going to take a closer look at mental health and what it is, and then prep for the next 10 episodes when we explore an aspect of how to be more mentally healthy in each one.

  • #63 Rejection and Approval

    07/10/2019 Duración: 22min

    Rejection and approval.  One we seek desperately to avoid and the other we seek desperately to obtain.  And yet they are not always what they seem.  Learning to move into rejection can be one of the greatest ways to ensure our own approval.  Join me today as we discuss how learning to accept ourselves rather than how to avoid rejection can be one of our greatest tools for truly discovering our deepest potential.

  • #62 The Value of Discomfort

    03/10/2019 Duración: 22min

    I don't know too many of us who enjoy being uncomfortable, and given the times and culture we live in we rarely have to endure being physically uncomfortable.  However, mental and emotional discomfort is a key element in our growth and progression.  When we can learn to lean into discomfort, we can begin moving into our potential and find greater satisfaction and happiness in life.  But to begin the whole process we have to start learning to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.  

  • #61 Charity is the Antidote

    30/09/2019 Duración: 18min

    Remember last episode when we talked about that huge list of mental and emotional behaviors?  Well today we're going to talk about the antidote for intentionally or unintentionally wanting to engage in them:  Charity.  This amazing piece of Christ-like love will rid us of all of those relationship killers and instead deepen and strengthen our relationships.  Charity will help us engage in healthy behaviors that will create healthy relationships.

  • #60 Mental and Emotional Abusive Behaviors

    26/09/2019 Duración: 23min

    Today we are covering a huge list of mental and emotional abusive behaviors.  When we know better, we do better, right?  This is to give us an opportunity to see behaviors that we may be engaging in that are harming our relationships and preventing us from having the connections that we ultimately desire.  This is not meant to cause us shame or guilt, but rather to bring awareness to our actions so we can explore the feelings and thought behind them.

  • #59 My Life, My Creation, My Responsibility

    23/09/2019 Duración: 19min

    Life can deal all of us a bad hand sometimes.  But actually, it's not the hand that's bad, it's how we choose to think about that hand.  Today I'm going to share with you the experience of my Client Charity, who seemed to have been dealt some pretty rough childhood experiences. I'll show you how coaching has helped her to move from being a victim of those circumstances and blaming others to taking responsibility for her current actions and starting to create the life she really wants to live.

  • #58 The Brain and the Mind

    19/09/2019 Duración: 18min

    Today we are taking a look at the difference between the brain and the mind.  Both do amazing things for us, but where the brain is part of the physical body, the mind is part of our spiritual body.  When we tie this into the understanding that part of our purpose here on earth is for our spirit to learn to manage the physical body, this takes on a whole new understanding.  We can start to understand how our brain works to keep our physical body alive, and how our mind works to move us forward to find and fulfill our potential.

  • #57 The Ripple Effect

    16/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    Have you ever thought about the fact that every action we engage in has a ripple effect?  When we do something, it will affect the people around us, then they will take that action, turn it into thoughts, feelings, and actions, and their actions will in turn affect the people around them, and on and on.  So what about our actions?  Are they creating the kind of ripple effect that we want to send out into the world?  Let's take a look at this today.

  • #56 Respect

    12/09/2019 Duración: 26min

    Respect is one of the most basic and fundamental elements in any healthy relationship.  Today we're going to discuss some of the indicators of a lack of respect so you can recognize your own unhealthy behaviors in this area, and also so you can recognize when respect is not being shown to you.  We'll also touch on the importance of consequences and boundaries in regards to respect.  If you don't have respect, you don't really have a relationship.

  • #55 Don't Should Yourself

    09/09/2019 Duración: 26min

    The word "should" is one that we really should take out of our vocabulary!  All it does is work to create controlling expectations of others and bring guilt and shame to ourselves.  When living from a place of should rather than a place of love, we break down the relationship with ourselves and with others.  Learning to do or do not, rather than shoulding ourselves is a place of self-care and compassion.

  • #54 Finding Faith In Our Future

    05/09/2019 Duración: 16min

    I love this one!  Today we are learning about how we can use our future to create our future.  Generally we tend to look to our past for patterns and examples of how to live our lives and create our future, but our past is limited by what we already know.  Our future is full of potential and ideas that we currently just dream of, so learning to tap into our future to help us create our future is an amazing way to move forward.  

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