


A podcast by Basecamp about a better way to work and run your business. We bring you stories and unconventional wisdom from Basecamps co-founders and other business owners.


  • How Buffer Meets Up

    04/06/2019 Duración: 23min

    Buffer's website - 1:24Carolyn Kopprasch on Twitter - 1:45Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne on Twitter - 11:32Buffer's Open blog - 22:59"Remote Team Meetups: Here's What Works For Us" - 23:08

  • James Glazebrook at Support Driven Expo Europe 2019

    28/05/2019 Duración: 18min

    In April, Basecamp Support team member James Glazebrook gave a talk at Support Driven Expo Europe about Everyone On Support. It's an all-hands program where Basecamp employees rotate through a day of working in customer service. James noticed the system—while well-intentioned—wasn't working properly, and set out to fix it. And that, as James himself might say, is pretty metal.

  • Rework Mailbag 4

    21/05/2019 Duración: 24min

    If you have a question you'd like answered on the next Mailbag, leave us a voicemail at (708) 628-7850!

  • DHH on The Heartbeat Podcast

    14/05/2019 Duración: 20min

    To listen to more of The Heartbeat Podcast, visit or look for the show wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • Know Your Team

    07/05/2019 Duración: 27min

    Claire Lew on Twitter / Know Your Team website — 00:15The Heartbeat Podcast — 00:34Know Your Team's "About Us" page — 1:04"Building Know Your Company" (Signal v. Noise) — 8:04"How we put together a simple deal to spin off Know Your Company" (Signal v. Noise) — 12:31"Want to be a better manager? Work as a restaurant hostess" (Know Your Team blog) — 10:55Daniel Lopes on Twitter — 21:13The Watercooler — 21:40"Big news: Know Your Company is now Know Your Team" (Know Your Team blog) — 24:43

  • Last Week with Jason Fried: Office Space

    30/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    We're introducing a new segment called Last Week with Jason Fried, where Basecamp's CEO talks about a task or concern that recently fell on his plate. In this inaugural episode, Jason talks about how the end of the company's lease on its Chicago office leaves him with a big decision on how to design a space for a mostly remote workforce and whether Basecamp needs an office at all. Meanwhile, all work and no play makes Shaun a dull boy.

  • Unplugged from the Matrix

    23/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    Our 2017 episode, "Can You Sell Water? Part 2" - 00:29The Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago - 00:37The study "The Growth, Scope, and Spatial Distribution of People With Felony Records in the United States, 1948–2010" was published in the October 2017 issue of Demography - 3:23Microsoft made $16,005 in revenues its first year - 5:31Wikipedia article on ichthys - 9:22" Puts Onus on Families to Check Caregivers’ Backgrounds—With Sometimes Tragic Outcomes" (Wall Street Journal, March 2019) - 12:42"103 Uber drivers accused of sexual assault or abuse" (CNN, April 2018) - 12:44KENTECH - 12:48

  • Job Scam

    18/04/2019 Duración: 13min

    We're introducing a new segment called Check-Ins, where we talk to folks at Basecamp about their answers to recurring questions that get asked of everyone here. Recently, Jeremy Daer on our Security, Infrastructure, and Performance team dealt with an incident where an Internet scammer was fraudulently posing as a Basecamp recruiter to collect personal information from job seekers. We hear from Jeremy about how this scam works and from Shanae Dykes on Basecamp's Support team about how to keep yourself safe while looking for remote job opportunities.

  • Subscription Hostages

    09/04/2019 Duración: 20min

    The DHH tweet that started it all - 00:36Wailin's tweet about the Chicago Tribune - 2:23Laura Hazard Owen on Twitter - 2:55NiemanLab - 3:34Consumer Federation of California - 4:21California Senate Bill 313, which former Governor Jerry Brown signed into law in 2017 - 5:40California News Publishers Association - 6:31The New York Times' cancellation screen - 9:36The Wall Street Journal's cancellation policy - 9:43The Washington Post's cancellation policy - 9:57Pete Mortensen on Twitter - 10:12Matter Ventures (which shut down in late 2018) - 10:18Jen Sabella on Twitter - 14:54Block Club Chicago - 14:59"Billionaire Owner Shuts Down DNAinfo, Gothamist Sites A Week After Workers Unionize" (NPR) - 15:09

  • Did You Order the Code Red?

    26/03/2019 Duración: 17min

    Read David Heinemeier Hansson's blog post and Jeremy's follow-up post on the mass-login attack.Our episode on the Big Integer outage - 00:41The big Code Red moment starts at 3:06 of this clip but c'mon, just watch the whole thing - 00:48Jim Mackenzie on Twitter - 1:15Background on the data breaches at Marriott, Equifax, and Yahoo - 1:53Jeremy Daer on Twitter - 2:10"It's a Unix system!" - 7:24Have I Been Pwned? - 13:471Password, LastPass, Dashlane - 14:52"Clever girl" - 17:24"I've got the same combination on my luggage!" - 17:29

  • BONUS - Ruby on Rails

    19/03/2019 Duración: 21min

    In 2004, Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson released a framework called Ruby on Rails that has since been used by over 1.2 million web applications including Twitter, Airbnb, Hulu, and, of course, Basecamp. In this bonus episode of Rework, David talks about creativity, finding a passion, and how writing Ruby changed the way he thinks about programming.

  • Hiring Is Not Hazing

    12/03/2019 Duración: 23min

    Hello, Mallory - 00:20The Baby-Sitters Club - 00:40Aja Hammerly's website - 2:18Aja's post, "There Is No Perfect Interview" - 2:22Aja's tweets on hiring from November 2018 - 7:24A blog post by Basecamp CEO Jason Fried that talks about design challenges - 14:20Aja on Twitter - 23:15For further reading from Basecamp on this topic, Jim Mackenzie on the Support team has written some great Signal v. Noise posts about hiring: "Interview or Interrogation?" and "Under Pressure"

  • Remote Work: Extreme Edition

    26/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    The IceCube website - 00:46What is a neutrino? (Scientific American) - 1:13SNOLAB in Canada is an example of a neutrino observatory located in an old mine - 1:58When neutrinos collide with other particles, a blue light is emitted. This is what IceCube detects. Read more about this blue light and IceCube in this article from the National Science Foundation - 2:13Emsisoft - 2:48Skynet satellite (and the other Skynet) - 4:38Mt. Erebus in Antarctica is the southernmost active volcano on the planet - 14:00The Thing (the 1982 version by John Carpenter) - 19:28The IceCube website has an entire section about living at the South Pole - 26:53The defibrillator scene in The Thing (Warning: VERY SCARY! And gross!) - 27:39The blood test scene in The Thing (Warning: ALSO VERY SCARY AND GROSS) - 27:50

  • No Hard Feelings

    12/02/2019 Duración: 36min

    "Happy Pacifists," our episode about violent rhetoric (and its opposite) in business - 00:24"Big Integer," our episode about how Basecamp managed a major outage - 00:30"Spark Joy with DHH," our episode about applying Marie Kondo's tidying-up principles to business - 00:38Liz Fosslien's website. Mollie West Duffy's website. Their joint website. - 1:22No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions At Work - 1:28IDEO - 1:54Humu - 2:08Gretchen Rubin - 12:09The Shultz Hour, named after former Secretary of State George Shultz - 19:25Liz and Mollie on Instagram - 35:42The Book Table - 36:00"Independent Women," the episode of our previous podcast about Women & Children First bookstore - 36:03

  • Reblog

    29/01/2019 Duración: 22min

    Signal v. Noise - 1:49Episode 01, "Sell Your By-products" - 2:00"Signal v. Noise moves to Medium" - 2:37Jason Fried and Adam Stoddard - 2:48Medium's changed policy on custom domains - 3:55Medium's membership program - 6:10A Vox article on how Tumblr's ban on adult content negatively affects the broader community - 7:30History of WordPress - 9:55A Quartz article on how WordPress employees work remotely - 10:03Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress - 10:15"Medium has been great for us" - 15:51An Atlantic article about seasonally attired porch geese - 20:00

  • BONUS - Spark Joy with DHH

    22/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Marie Kondo’s official website - 00:14Marie Kondo's interpreter is Marie Iida and here's a Quartz interview with her - 00:28Author Courtney Milan's Twitter thread on Marie Kondo's misunderstood advice about books - 00:49Everything Wailin learned about arguing on social media she learned from DHH in the "Pick A Fight" episode of Rework - 1:00The Life Changing-Magic of Tidying Up - 1:12Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck - 6:42The history of the We Work Remotely job board is written up in the last entry of this page of the Basecamp handbook - 9:06Basecamp decided to sunset Highrise in 2018. Read Jason's note on the Highrise website - 9:32

  • Big Integer

    15/01/2019 Duración: 27min

    On Thursday, November 8, Basecamp 3 went down for almost five hours. It was the worst outage to hit the company in a decade and a stress test of Basecamp's practices around internal communication, customer support, and calm work. Today's episode goes inside the company on November 8 to see how the outage unfolded.Show NotesJason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson's most recent book, It Doesn't Have to be Crazy at Work - 1:41Basecamp's Support team - 6:03Basecamp's Status page - 6:40DHH's timeline from November 8 and his post-mortem, published on Signal v. Noise - 6:46Our episode on "How to Say You're Sorry" - 15:57

  • BONUS - Happy New Year

    01/01/2019 Duración: 22min

    We tried to record an episode, but there were more important things to talk about. See you in 2019 with more episodes of REWORK.

  • BONUS - 100% Facebook-Free

    21/12/2018 Duración: 24min

    After yet another round of revelations about Facebook's use of customer data, Basecamp has decided to become 100% Facebook-free. We've actually been off Facebook proper for a while, but on Wednesday we decided to remove the company from Instagram and WhatsApp as well. This is a conversation with Basecamp's CTO, David Heinemeier Hansson, about making that decision and why he thinks you should follow in Basecamp's footsteps.

  • BONUS - Rename

    19/12/2018 Duración: 07min

    On the last episode of Rework, we talked about the dangers of using violent language in a business context. We've had to grapple with other kinds of problematic language at Basecamp as well. In this mini bonus episode, Shaun talks to programmer Jeremy Daer about shedding harmful terms for database relationships that persist in the industry.

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