Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 224:50:17
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Dolores Cannon, QHHT and The New World “Order” That is Happening NOW!

    26/08/2021 Duración: 01h16min

    Why QHHT remains one of the most powerful and controversial healing methods of all time! When the late regression therapist Dolores Cannon and her husband Johnny, a military serviceman stationed overseas first dabbled in hypnosis back in the 1960’s, their interest in the process was nothing more than a hobby - something that occupied their free time while stationed in the Philippines. Pioneering Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon Over time Dolores’ husband became quite proficient in the practice, so when the couple returned stateside, he offered sessions to individuals in his local community along with servicemen who were dealing with issues stemming from their time served while Dolores would act as his assistant. As their practice gained popularity within their small community - even at a time when such modalities were rarely, if ever discussed, so did their experimentation with rarely tried methods of hypnosis. In one very revealing session, a woman was brought back to a past life, not one but five lifetimes,

  • Mark Bajerski – My Bizarre Encounter with Someone From Another World? The Who, What & WHY of it All

    13/08/2021 Duración: 55min

    "This is one of the most profound things that ever happened to me!" - Mark Bajerski During my recent chat with spiritual teacher and energy healer Mark Bajerski, we'd been trudging down the rabbit hole pretty deep I thought, until he went even deeper by sharing a story about a bizarre incident that happened to him roughly 12 years ago.  As he shared the encounter with me, I could feel his sense of bemusement, as if he were re-living the experience. After receiving a call from a man requesting an energy healing session at 8am, and agreeing to do it at that time, despite his strict policy that he would not take any clients until getting both his physical and emotional space ready typically not taking appointments until 10, after hanging up, Mark wondered, "why did I say yes?" For some reason, he said he'd do it but didn't know what prompted him to consent. Here's what happened next... In this village [where the space is located] nobody gets up 'til 9am. It's very lazy. ...I'm on the street, opening my shop an

  • Debra Jordan Kauble – Extraordinary (ET) Contact

    10/08/2021 Duración: 01h15min

    The subject of the late ET Contact Researcher Budd Hopkins speaks about her Extraordinary Contact Debra Jordan-Kauble is no ordinary midwestern gal. Growing up in a small town in central Indiana, later living with her parents - a single mom with two small sons, Kauble thought her life was well, pretty "normal." After discovering a lifelong journey of strange encounters with non-human intelligence (ET and beyond), an adventure that would begin unraveling after being regressed by the well known ET contact researcher and hypnotherapist Budd Hopkins, Debra's life would never look the same! Kauble was the central figure in Budd Hopkins’s New York Times best-seller, Intruders, the Incredible Visitations at Copely Woods, as well as the 1992 CBS mini-series, “Intruders”, using the pseudonym "Kathy Davis" to protect her young family. In 1992, she revealed her true identity and co-authored, with her sister Kathy Mitchell, Abducted, The Story if the Intruders Continues. We discuss Kauble's latest book, a revised, ex

  • Mary Rodwell Weighs in on “Strange” Physical Symptoms and THE NEW HUMAN!

    30/07/2021 Duración: 43min

    Alternative researcher Mary Rodwell says your "symptoms" are much bigger than any "pandemic" could dish out! Get ready to ascend! In this episode, popular Higher Journeys guest Mary Rodwell and Alexis discuss the profound and strange physical (and emotional) “symptoms” many people around the world have been reporting recently. We will explore the idea that the “symptoms” are due to a very powerful frequency shift that is happening right now and how it is affecting many of us on multiple levels. One person described their recent "symptoms" this way... Oh man this is crazy! Every symptom!! …The dizziness, palpitations, and fatigue have been the most intense. Headaches/migraines, dreams, muscle twitching/vibrations, depression, anxiety, dread, tinnitus, vertigo. Moments of kaleidoscope vision. I could go on and on. I’ve been trying to pinpoint the problem. Is it hormones, am I sick, am I dying. Talk about causing panic attacks. I keep checking my vitals. Everything is perfect. I just feel like absolute $-#!+ Wi

  • Brad Olsen on Project Blue Beam, UFO Disclosure and the Prime Directive

    23/06/2021 Duración: 58min

    Author of Beyond Esoteric Brad Olsen says upcoming UFO disclosure could be a set up for a "fake" alien invasion As many wait with anxious anticipation in the run up to the soon-to-be released UAP Task Force Report to the US Congress, some are speculating that all of the buzz could be leading the masses down the path of a contrived alien invasion. Project Blue Beam is known among alternative UFO researchers as the program that will bring this plan to life. Brad Olsen, an alternative researcher and author of the book Beyond Esoteric explains what he knows about this program and why it’s so important to set the stage for the human psyche, IF such a plan is to be carried out. But Olsen didn’t stop there. He also shares his research into the shadow side of non human intelligence that include the possibility of inner and ultra terrestrials, the real men in black, a hybridized society and the transhumanist agenda. In this conversation we take a deep dive into the history of dark forces and a reality that most co

  • Mary Rodwell on Upcoming UFO Disclosure – It’s NOT What You Think!

    11/06/2021 Duración: 47min

    UFO disclosure is on the table for sure, but what will it really look like? Though the idea of UFO disclosure has many guessing as to what it will entail - theories abound about what's in store. From our official "authorities" finally giving up the goods to a mass sighting and the inevitability of "ET" finally showing themselves to the world, all possibilities are on the table. Some still feel that real disclosure will come from the bottom up - from individuals who have had contact encounters coupled with the fact that extraterrestrials (or non-human intelligence) hav been behind this plan all along. Either way, disclosure at some point is inevitable. ET contact researcher Mary Rodwell, who was quoted in a recent article on the subject said in part... “…This push for disclosure is most likely coming from NHI’s (non human intelligences). I believe this has been on the cards as it were for some years. The suggestion from [ET contact] experiencers and whistleblowers is that the NHI’s have indicated that if Gov

  • Laura Eisenhower SPEAKS OUT on Timeline Splits, Soul Alchemy & the “War” on Consciousness

    04/06/2021 Duración: 59min

    Researcher and Galactic Alchemist Laura Eisenhower says we are in the war of our lives but... There is light at the end of the tunnel, according to the alternative researcher and whistleblower who also happens to be the great granddaughter of former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Laura Eisenhower explains as she joins Higher Journeys to discuss the crazy shift in planetary energy: Timeline wars and bifurcation, Soul Alchemy and what will be necessary to do to truly "Ascend." We'll also discuss consciousness shifts and planetary upheaval (and healing). Laura has been at this for a long time and she’s now bearing all when it comes to the what and why of all we’re going through right now. Topics on the Table... ► Are dark forces really at the helm of this “new world?” ► What tools do we have in our control to positively navigate this new territory? ► Are we being called to trigger the alchemist in us all? And if so, HOW do we do it? ► Why was/is humanity seemingly under the thumb of a force that

  • Barry Littleton – THIS is UFO Disclosure: Sentient UFOs Are Real!

    21/05/2021 Duración: 58min

    ET contact experiencer says This is what real UFO disclosure is all about Just on the heels of an unprecedented mainstream news report by 60 Minutes about the reality of UFOs, and the anticipated June 2021 report that will reportedly deliver UFO disclosure: what official sources knew/know about the presence of UFOs and UAPs in our skies, other conversations are taking place deep within the UFO community. Barry Littleton, ET contact experiencer and researcher has maintained that some UFOs are not only "real" but actually organic! In this episode we discuss the reality of sentient UFOs and the idea that some of these craft may be conscious in and of themselves (with or without occupants!) Don't miss our OFF THE RECORD After Show with Barry Littleton exclusively for Patreon members! In addition, Barry folds in other enigmatic elements to this still great mystery including... - Time shifts/edits in our reality. - The Mandela Effect (from the perspective of the above). - The “dead” who never leave the planet

  • Linda Moulton Howe – UFO Secrecy Mandates & the Push for Disclosure, Is it Coming in 2021?

    05/05/2021 Duración: 32min

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe weighs in on her thoughts about what the UFO "secrecy mandate" is really all about. Linda Moulton Howe, well respected UFO researcher and truth seeker sat down with Higher Journeys' own Alexis Brooks to share what she feels is really behind the secrecy mandates of UFOs and UAPs as far as official "narratives" are concerned. With the much anticipated (and unclassified) report slated to be released to Congress in June of 2021, how much will the public actually learn about what our government has known about UFOs, UAPs and possibly alien life itself? Regardless of what may come into public view, there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes, including the possibility of knowledge that some sources have about how alien life may be “traveling” in and out of our space. Is this happening via a form of portal technology - one that would allow for a dimensional “doorway” to be opened and the beings to come through? What are the physics that would allow this doorway to be op

  • Kathleen Marden – UFO Disclosure in 2021, Sixty Years AFTER The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case

    30/04/2021 Duración: 01h57s

    UFO Disclosure is heating up, but what's fact vs. fiction?  60 yr.s after the Hill Abduction Case, has anything changed? Kathleen Marden, UFO and ET contact researcher and niece of UFO abductees Betty and Barney Hill shares her thoughts and insider knowledge on how and why UFO disclosure will soon be unavoidable. In the last several months we’ve seen a flood of mainstream news headlines, witness testimony and official sources spilling details on the reality of UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). At this point we’ve gotten all but ultimate disclosure. According to Kathleen Marden, the time has come and the evidence is too overwhelming to continue to ignore. Hear what her years of research and her insiders have shared about how the UFO phenomenon has been covered up, and why now is the time to begin the process of a very real disclosure. However, disclosure may NOT go down in the way most people think! In this episode Kathleen Marden will also share new details about the multiple layers behin

  • Julia Cannon | Is Dolores Cannon’s “New Earth” Upon Us Now?

    26/04/2021 Duración: 58min

    Dolores Cannon's long prophesized  "New Earth" may be here right now. If so, how do we handle it? Guest Julia Cannon, daughter of Dolores Cannon discusses the ideas and concepts based on her mother's research into The New Earth, Energy shifts and awakening to 5d. In this episode we discuss the drastic ebbs and flows of reality in 2021. Many are trying to reconcile wonky energy, wild emotional and psychological swings and other strange patterns in day-to-day life. These extreme swings of emotion and other conditions are no surprise given all that we've been through in the last year but from a metaphysical level, could this be a sign that we've arrived into and onto a New Earth, as legendary hypnotherapist and researcher Dolores Cannon described? If you’re empathic, your’e likely extra sensitive to the wonky energy out there at present. But there is something you need to know about what’s going on right now, and moreover how to manage it! Highlights from this episode: ✓ How to know if the emotions you’re f

  • Caroline Cory | New Film PROVING that We are Far More Powerful Than We Think!

    12/04/2021 Duración: 56min

    Filmmaker Caroline Cory has the experiments to prove humans are actually far more powerful than we know! It was this Seth insight channeled by the late Jane Roberts who said, “Consciousness creates reality. Not the other way around.” Simple and powerful. But is this a scientific fact or a just postulate that can only be relegated to esoteric opinion? According to consciousness researcher and filmmaker Caroline Cory, not only is the science there to show that consciousness is the primary ingredient to all of reality - both seen and unseen, but she’s got the experiments to prove it! In her latest film: Superhuman - The Invisible Made Visible, some of the most mind bending feats of humankind, when put to the test, using innovative but rigid methods show without a shadow of a doubt that each of us have capabilities far beyond what most could ever imagine. Remote viewing, psychokinesis (or PK), telepathy, even the ability to read while being completely blindfolded are all possible. More than possible, there are

  • How to Harness Your Psychic Abilities

    25/03/2021 Duración: 55min

    We all possess some psychic abilities but certain techniques can really help you to prime your psychic pump! Like many of you, I've been feeling really psychic lately! Whether it's seeing repeating numbers, increased synchronicity, or getting lucid glimpses into the future, psychic ability appears to be increasing for people around the world. Though we can't know for sure what may be catalyzing this more recent rise in intuitive acuity, it is happening for sure! If this is the case, how might we leverage these metaphysically magical times to get better insight into our lives, our reality, and even our future? NOTE: Higher Journeys will receive compensation when someone uses and obtains a reading through this link. In the book Phenomena - Harnessing Your Psychic Powers by Rob and Trish MacGregor they say, "...we all have the ability to tune in [to psychic events]. Some of us tune in through our bodies or through dreams, visions, and other altered states." It is said that each of us carries a unique energ

  • Billy Carson on Reprogramming Your Cells for Success

    18/03/2021 Duración: 48min

    4biddenknowledge founder & entrepreneur Billy Carson says in order to reap abundance you have to re-program your cellular structure with new coding. Though we've heard it said many times and in different ways, it bears repeating: You cannot have or be that which you are not in alignment with. You cannot attract that which you desire if you are not in resonance with it. These are my own distillations of perennial knowledge that essentially says, considering all things consist of energy and have their own unique signature - yes, money included, in order to bring that into your life, you must first mentally, emotionally - psychologically and energetically align yourself with that signature. Billy Carson - alternative researcher, successful entrepreneur (of multiple ventures) and author of the new book Woke Doesn't Mean Broke insists that before anything (or anyone) can come into your life, you must be of the mindset that it is your birthright to be in alignment with that which you desire. Read a free chapter f

  • Monoliths and Mandela Effects – Are They Connected? Cynthia Sue Larson Explains

    11/03/2021 Duración: 50min

    Consciousness researcher Cynthia Sue Larson says the recent sightings of monoliths may have a Mandela "Effect" Reality Shifts Author and Higher Journeys Senior Contributor Cynthia Sue Larson has been at this reality shifting "game" for nearly 30 years! Long before the so-called Mandela Effect phenomenon made it to the A-list of conspiracy sites and alternative news hubs, Larson was diving deep into the physics of what is also known as the ME. Decades later, the once fledgling theory that some ardent skeptics insist is nothing more than collective false memory, Larson says has science to back up the fact that ME is much more than a mere collective brain hiccup. In quantum terms, could we actually be dealing with an entangled “dance” between time, space, our brains and reality? Moreover, is consciousness at the heart of it all? Larson says absolutely! In this episode of Higher Journeys, Cynthia Sue Larson will also reveal what she feels may be a “Mandela Effect” aspect when it comes to understanding part of

  • Emmy Award Winning TV Producer Miguel Sancho Shares Family Odyssey in New Book

    04/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    Veteran TV news producer never thought he'd be at the center of the biggest drama imaginable Miguel Sancho thought he’d seen and covered it all! The stealthy, gritty - too unbelievable to be true stories that he’d researched meticulously and delivered to national television audiences for years was his bailiwick - a world he was all too familiar with...or so he thought. That is until something brought the reality of true drama into his own life. After he and his wife Felicia received devastating news that their son had a rare and potentially lethal disease, real life suddenly hit a sobering turn in the road. The couple immediately went into unimaginable overdrive down a windy path of uncertainty and angst, but with faith in tow and a legion of angels along the way, they made it through - and as a result, a miracle would be in the offing. Miguel Sancho and Felicia Morton during the taping of our episode This real life tail is chronicled in his new book, More Than You Can Handle - A Rare Disease, A Family i

  • Why My Psychic Reading Was SPOT ON!

    19/02/2021 Duración: 20min

    This psychic reading defied all odds. What actually happened here? Just wait until you hear this! This is my true story about a recent psychic reading I had and what actually played out in my future, based on the specific detail the reader told me (I'm still stunned to this day!) Once you hear this, whether you’ve ever had a reading or not, I’ll bet for sure you’ll be wanting one soon! In this episode I’ll give you the low down, PLUS discuss… ✓ How accurate psychics connect with the “invisible realms.” ✓ Why some future predictions are more accurate than others. ✓ If psychics are possibly tapping YOUR own energy field. ✓ Why it’s important to remain neutral, but open about your own psychic reading. A BIG thanks to Keen for sponsoring this episode! ➡ GET your first 10 minute reading for only $1.99 by using this exclusive link (Note: This is an affiliate link for Keen. I will receive compensation from Keen when people use this link.) #psychicreading #manifestation #spiritualguidance Let's go deeper!

  • In Conversation with the Producer of Thrive II Kimberly Carter Gamble

    13/02/2021 Duración: 41min

    Thrive II wasn't in the plan says producer Kimberly Carter Gamble. So what was the push that made it happen? One powerful half of the creative team behind both Thrive I  - What On Earth Will it Take and now Thrive II - This is What it Takes, Kimberly Carter Gamble joins Higher Journeys to discuss their latest film and how the timing of its release couldn't have come at a more critical time in our human history. From the Thriveon.com website: "Thrive II explores breakthrough innovations from around the world, unpacks the principles they have in common and offers insights, tools and strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future." The initial Thrive movie boasts nearly 100 million views and has been translated into 27 languages, and is still THRIVING to this day! Gamble who directed, produced and co-created both Thrive movies with her husband and business partner Foster Gamble says that eight years after the original Thrive movie was released in 2011, they had no intention of creating a sequel. But in t

  • Get Your “DIY Psychic” On! Tips and Tricks with Psychic Medium John Holland

    10/02/2021 Duración: 47min

    John Holland on how to be your own psychic medium in 2021! International psychic medium John Holland has circled the globe talking and teaching about the magic of psychic ability and mediumship. His landmark best-selling Tarot and Oracle Deck: The Psychic Tarot has been and continues to be one of the modern gold standards in divination card decks for thousands around the world. Get the Psychic Tarot on Amazon In this episode John Holland and Alexis discuss the ins and outs of unlocking your own psychic potential with the help of The Psychic Tarot and other tried and true processes for DIY divination. This talk is PACKED with how-tos for both the novice and the expert alike! You could call this a “mini master class” on the tarot and oracle divination process from one of the most respected psychics on the planet - John Holland. We’ll work directly with John’s Psychic Tarot deck plus decipher a message for the collective based on cards that were drawn just for this episode. John will break it down for us al

  • Tony Harris – Host of The Proof is Out There on UFO Disclosure and Transparency in 2021

    22/01/2021 Duración: 28min

    Will New History Channel Show Help to Open "Pandora's Box" on UFO Disclosure and Other Incidents of the "Unexplained?" Veteran Journalist and host of the new History Channel series The Proof is Out There, Tony Harris joins Alexis to discuss the new reality of transparency in mainstream media when it comes to discussing the “serious side” of phenomena. With the History Channel's latest incarnation of “high strangeness” that features Alexis Brooks as one of its team of experts, is a new era of “disclosure” on order? Alexis and Tony have a candid discussion about the state of affairs when it comes to “opinion journalism,” the need to parse the real from the “fake” and also delve into the recent provision within the latest stimulus bill to disclose an unclassified report on UFOs. Is this the start of full on transparency and disclosure? Learn more about the new History Channel Series, The Proof is Out There with host Tony Harris and Alexis Brooks as part of their team of experts. Airs Tuesdays at 10/9c.

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