The Daily Boost: Best Daily Motivation | Life | Career | Goal Setting | Health | Law Of Attraction | Network Marketing

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 173:22:00
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Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at


  • How To Have an Empty Calendar

    06/09/2024 Duración: 14min

    How To Have an Empty Calendar Scott’s Daily Boost Show Notes — A letter I received about 10 minutes ago… “When you showed us your calendar a few weeks ago, I noticed how bear it was. You hadn't time blocked your podcast recordings, checking emails, calling friends, date night, learning time, developing course materials, Marketing activities, etc. I assumed you should time block every area of your life to ensure you achieve balance.” I believe work-life balance is a myth.  Isn't every minute of the day the same?  There are no work, play, happy or sad minutes—there are only minutes. I don't need to balance them because they are all the same. Since I have a pre-determined way that I want to live my life, it doesn't matter when I do it. Having said that…  Having a calendar that it booked every 10 minutes is one of the most stressful things I can think of having. I would bet it’s the biggest reason people get burned out or retire. In my view, a calendar's only job is to serve as a reminder system for any

  • People You Will Meet Today

    05/09/2024 Duración: 12min

    People You Will Meet Today Retrospective Thought — As I look back on the last 24 hours of my life, a single thought resonates with me. I shared it with others, and their worlds were rocked. What question is spurring this? — Why can people be so difficult? What’s the story behind it? — I’ve met so many people in the world who think difficult people can harm and stop them. It doesn’t have to be that way. Points to consider— People you deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surely. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. They are like you, with the same mind and possessing a share of the Divine. And so none of them can hurt you. Marcus Aurelius was an intelligent guy. Conclusion — Everybody you meet today is more like you than you would like to admit. The playing field is more even than you thought. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • How Do Labels Impact Your Life?

    04/09/2024 Duración: 10min

    How Do Labels Impact Your Life? Note: Lately, I've felt that the Daily Nugget format I've been using for the last eight years has become a bit of a trap for me -- and I needed more flexibility. So, I'm moving away from a narrative format and toward providing the actual notes used during the show. I hope this will allow me to expand my ideas while giving you more motivation and actionable notes. And yes, you can expect this to evolve over the next few weeks. Retrospective Thought Have you ever wondered how having a label is impacting your life? While am I having this thought? I remember being asked, “What I do” by a potential customer - and I had no idea what to say. Points to consider Labels are a way to identify yourself to YOU… and identify YOU to the world. In the past, most people only had one way to identify themselves. That’s what they were known for. Today, people have too many labels. It seems that we have 1,000 mini-identities that we deploy depending on where we are, what we’re doing, and wh

  • Don’t Share Your Plans

    03/09/2024 Duración: 11min

    Don’t Share Your Plans In the last few years, it has become increasingly popular for people to share every little aspect of their lives with others. But, when it comes to getting what you want in life, keeping your plans to yourself is a powerful tool. Summer has been filled with lots of rest and relaxation, and when I arrived at my desk on Tuesday, I had two messages from clients that made me smile. The first said, "I decided to spend my weekend practicing what I do in private so that I will be praised in public." That's something I’ve said and done many times. The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and heading in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, "I know. I'm learning that nobody needs to know what I'm doing to do. I'll do it, and they can catch up." My heart smiled as I witness three powerful tools that impact my client's lives: 1) Practice in private until you are ready to share with the world. Nobody needs to

  • Shake Up Your Good Life

    02/09/2024 Duración: 11min

    Shake Up Your Good Life Growth and change are what most people strive for in their life. It’s what drives you before you create your amazing life. It’s also what drives you to step up to the next level. In the last 18 years, I’ve spent producing the Daily Boost podcast, I’ve had the chance to speak to thousands of people. All of them were in various stages of change, and most had the goal of being happy.  But, there is an issue that keeps popping up. As people go about living and enjoying the life they’ve built, the natural desire for more growth kicks in, and they find themselves driving harder—usually without thinking about it. It could be about passion, but most times, it’s about making more money. One day, I talked with a friend about living a good life and how hard people work to mess up a good thing. That’s when he asked a great question - ”When life is good, why would you do something else only to make more money?” It’s not to say making more money is not a very good thing. It’s just important t

  • Committed to Your Goal?

    30/08/2024 Duración: 10min

    Committed to Your Goal Woody Allen said, "Half of success is showing up." I've thought about that quote many times over the years. There was something about its logic that didn't match up with my day-to-day experience. Don't get me wrong, no matter what you want to do in your life, showing up is the first step in getting it. But I've shown up many times and ended up going home with the prize that I so much wanted. I've also seen others convinced that they'll advance toward their goals if they show up. Instead, they end up disappointed with their results. So, if showing up is getting you halfway, what's the other half? It's knowledge, work ethic, communication, and people skills. And let's not forget your ability to commit to doing whatever it takes to get what you want. Some people don't show up, and some don't commit. Many do show up. Why don't they succeed? I remember the words spoken by my Paster moments before my wedding to my first wife, Sheryl. I was a 20-year-old kid, and he asked, "Do you kno

  • Beyond Your Why

    29/08/2024 Duración: 11min

    Beyond Your Why Since the beginning of time, successful people have given this sage advice; you must set goals.  In the human mind, setting goals are the heartbeat of your life. Setting a goal will harness your focus, give you meaning and purpose, and drive you forward. It gets even better if you place a deadline. If your goal is essential, timely, urgent, you will likely do anything possible to get it. Yes, likely.  You may have also heard that understanding WHY you want to achieve your goal is critical to your success. "Knowing your WHY will allow you to deal with every challenge along the way,” is what they said. But sometimes, you fall short. Losing weight is a good example. Every year, millions of people set the goal of losing a few pounds. Most end up failing. But if you think about it, that makes sense. Nobody ever wants to lose anything. That's against every survival instinct you have in your body. When you set a goal that takes something away, your mind will fight you every step of the way.  So what'

  • Goal, Pilots, and Donuts

    28/08/2024 Duración: 10min

    Goal, Pilots, and Donuts Have you noticed that airplanes fly crooked? Heading to their destination, winds attempt to blow them off course. That’s why pilots turn their aircraft into the wind. They call it Wind Correction. The same thing happens when you set a Goal. While you prefer the straight path, you will likely run into winds that will blow you off course. Your spouse disagrees with your plans. Your boss demands more hours. Your kids, friends, and responsibilities keep blowing you further away from your dreams. It’s time to start thinking like a pilot setting a flight plan to a distant city with a Kristy Kreme donut store about to turn in the ‘Hot Donuts’ sign. Keep an eye on your final destination. Always set goals that factor in winds that will blow you off your course. Make minor corrections until you get where you’re heading. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Common Sense Laws of Success

    27/08/2024 Duración: 11min

    Common Sense Laws of Success Everything we do is guided by what we think is logical in our minds. I call my way of thinking Scott LOGIC. Is it common sense? Is it experience-based? Is it how I choose to live? Yes. But mostly, it is an endless list of thoughts that make my day better. Here are a few that will no doubt do the same for you. Life is long enough. But not for everybody. Recognize the difference. Life goes quickly unless you are bored. Stay busy. Life passes slowly when you are going fishing tomorrow.  Some people are too serious. Others are not serious enough. You get to choose who you are. Standing in another person's shoes before opening your mouth a best.  When you turn your phone off, it won't ring. Most things in life should be in moderation. Excess is good now and then. It takes a fraction of the time to read a good book than to write a book. That makes reading a book a good investment of your time. People who read more earn more. People who don't read don't understand why. Saying

  • It's Time to Get Off The Fence

    26/08/2024 Duración: 12min

    It's Time to Get Off The Fence Okay, I'm feeling a little bit lazy today, so I will cut to the chase and bestow upon you the secret to success you've been seeking. Success requires that you do the hard work. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that if you want more, you will have to do something to get it. Still, we live in a world that makes it seem like it should be easier, and it's not. Success takes a lot of hard work - even if you don't see it. Successful YouTubers make it look easy - after thousands of hours of trial and error. Musicians seemingly live their dream - after years of living in a tour bus and making pennies. Even people who do nothing but accept the generosity of society to make their way are working hard at a life you would never want. It doesn't matter what you want, good or bad, prosperous or not, happy or sad; it will take a lot of work to accomplish it. If you have a choice, and you do, why wouldn't you choose to work hard to bring goodness into your life? You become inte

  • Empowering Emotional Triggers

    23/08/2024 Duración: 12min

    Empowering Emotional Triggers I love it when we miraculously put together the perfect day, and life decides to get in the way.  Well, it's not life, and maybe I don't love it, but occasionally, something or someone will cross your path and get in your way. I don't know anybody who doesn't get hit smack in the face with a situation that triggers a feeling deep inside their soul, stirs emotion, and results in a reaction or response that makes you say, "Why did I say that?" Of course, we are emotional creatures, so it makes sense that robust emotional responses are common for most of us. Still, common sense will tell you they don't always serve us. It gets even worse when people sedate their emotions to protect themselves. Not only do they miss great opportunities, but when they are triggered, it becomes an 8.0 earthquake. So, how do you deal with it? The way I handle it is to understand that triggers usually happen when I least expect them. Still, my ScottLOGIC tells me that once I experience the trigger

  • Stop Calling 911 on Yourself

    22/08/2024 Duración: 10min

    Stop Calling 911 on Yourself A few days ago, I was on with a client making significant progress toward smoothing out the rough edges of her career, relationship, and personal life.  When we began, she consistently banged her head into the wall in every area of her life.  Relationships were challenging, job performance was up and down, she had no personal life, and her vision for the future was non-existent. She was, in my words, being an arsonist. However, unlike most arsonists, she was also the 911 operator, drove the fire truck to the incident scene, grabbed a hose, and put out her fire. After a few weeks of working together, I noticed the pattern and called her out. She even surprised herself when she admitted that she was the cause of most of the issues in her life, but she didn’t know how to stop all the self-inflicted pain.  I gave her a different way of thinking about it - What if, instead of being an arsonist, you were in charge of preventing those life-getting-in-the-way moments? What if, ins

  • Escaping Your Past

    21/08/2024 Duración: 12min

    Escaping Your Past  My mind is constantly searching for a simple process for anything that will help me get what I want, and that usually comes down to something I talk about a lot: making a decision.  I speak about decision-making much of my day because it’s the most dynamic tool in your personal growth tool kit.  It should be easy — Almost everything you will ever want to do in life has already been done. The solution to getting what you wish to should be based on logic and proven steps. In other words, figure out what works and do it. But, as much as we can all agree that it should be easy, using logic to get what we want doesn’t have much to do with being a human—that’s where emotions and a more psychological approach come into play. “Come on, let’s just do what we know works?” You say. “No. I’m not feeling it. Let’s go with the flow and figure it out?” Logical vs emotional thinking is an epic battle that Stephen Spielberg could tell in a blockbuster movie. Oh, wait, it always is! Let’s take a si

  • Scared and Excited at the Same Time

    20/08/2024 Duración: 11min

    Scared and Excited at the Same Time Over the weekend, I had a few hours to waste at a local car dealership and found myself in conversation with a very motivated young man. After seeing my email address, he asked a few questions about what I do for a living, and we were off to the races. Eventually, he said the same thing I hear many times a week – “I’m trying to figure out what I want, but I want more. That excites me AND scares me. Sometimes I wonder when I’ll get started and how long it will take — so I never get started.” Like I said, I hear that every week, and I have for years.  Here’s my answer. You’ll never stop trying to figure things out. Life is an endless cycle of figuring things out, getting comfortable, and getting uncomfortable, and figuring things out again. It never ends. You may as well play the game. Excitement and Scary can feel the same. Emotionally, they are not that different. If you find that it is one or the other, look deeper. If it’s both, I would move forward as fast as pos

  • Creativity on Demand

    19/08/2024 Duración: 12min

    Creativity on Demand Over the years, I have produced over 12,000 podcasts, and everyone began with the written word. Even though that makes my mouth and fingers my most exercised body parts, it has also given me many opportunities to learn to keep my words flowing. Like most people, you have sat before a blank screen, praying for inspiration. It could be writer's block, procrastination, or maybe you stayed up late watching Netflix. In any case, there's a simple solution to always having a starting point. Any project I need to wrap my head around begins by capturing the ideas that flow into my mind throughout the day. Even turning the radio off on a 20-minute drive can provide a treasure-trove of useable nuggets. Next, I tuck those ideas away safely without organizing, editing, or re-writing. I just grab the thoughts, jot a note or record a memo, put them away, and let them simmer. When I'm ready to get to work, I take 15 minutes the day before to review my creative genius list, toss out what is not relev

  • Unlock Your Goals with Accountability

    16/08/2024 Duración: 11min

    Unlock Your Goals with Accountability Over the years, I've witnessed dozens of people set themselves up for failure by following seemingly wise advice - "When you set a goal, make it public and tell everybody you know so they can support you." In my experience, that could have worked better - especially on long-term goals. The reason is that nobody outside my close relationships knows me well enough to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. That makes it challenging to provide support in meaningful ways, difficult for me to accept, and unneeded pressure on everybody. It takes little thinking to realize the best accountability relationship needs to be based on respect and a sincere connection to have the most impact. That means there is no need to crowd-source accountability when you only need two people to keep you on track. The first partner is the one you listen to the most - YOU! Accepting responsibility for your accountability is the most potent skill you own. But since you are the boss of YOU and

  • Mindset of a Master Negotiator

    15/08/2024 Duración: 12min

    Mindset of a Master Negotiator I've always believed that life is a series of presentations we continually make throughout our day. The progress we make, the success we enjoy, and the happiness we experience directly result from our presentation skills, including negotiation. Yes, whether you like it or not, you negotiate for everything. Once you know about a natural feeling that all parties experience during negotiation, you'll never feel like an underdog again. Always remember- Whenever two or more folks negotiate, they automatically feel the other has the advantage. It's natural to have the fear that things may not go your way. Stay the course, and you'll get what you want. When you understand this simple mindset, you will automatically put yourself in a more confident position. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Becoming Aware of Your Passions

    14/08/2024 Duración: 11min

    Becoming Aware of Your Passions Are you aware of your passions?  If not, I have a question for you - What do you do when you are doing YOU?  Why spend your days searching your mind to figure out your purpose when you are most likely living it daily? When you take a minute to inventory how you spend your time, you will see what you enjoy doing. Do you read, write, exercise, or work?   How about walking, talking, playing, fighting, laughing, or watching television? Do you quilt, garden, volunteer, or socialize? Passion in life is not about finding something to do. It's about noticing what you do naturally - and doing more of it.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Common Sense Success Accelerators

    13/08/2024 Duración: 13min

    Common Sense Success Accelerators  When you feel in control, are you happier? I created 'Do What Makes Your Heart Sing' a few years ago. While it was about being happy, it's a core teaching that has become my best practice. 1) Stop fixin' to get ready. If you want something, there is no reason to put it off. Could you go out and get it today? 2) Ask for help. We all need help, and millions of people are waiting for you to ask them. 3) Slow down when it gets bumpy. Going after big goals will lead you down rough roads. Those are when you slow down, stay focused, and keep moving - as fast as possible. 4) Fly it into the barn. Good pilots continue to fly their airplanes until they are safely tied down on the ground. Keep going until you get 100% of what you want. 5) Be smart—set goals. Don't argue. This one is simple. Trust and use your wisdom and instinct. Set goals to keep you reaching for what you want. Seek solutions that keep you moving. 6) Don't give monkeys piggyback rides. Others will happily put

  • Forgetting What You Do For Fun

    12/08/2024 Duración: 11min

    Forgetting What You Do For Fun What do you do for fun? Such a simple question causes people to get a blank look in their eyes. A few years ago, I visited friends who lived and worked on the Grand Canyon's South Rim. Yes, thousands of people live there. The drive into town is too far to commute - but that was okay with my friends. They had recently switched careers, packed up, and moved to become Park Rangers. They were right where they wanted to be. It was late in the day when we settled into their guest room and headed to the dinner table. I had been driving all day and was feeling a little fidgety. "So, what do you guys do for fun around here?" He looked at me like the fast-paced city slicker I was and said, "I've been having fun all day - even at work." I didn't get it - yet. It turns out that his life change taught him that having fun is a sneaky little thing. Fun likes to show up when you are not paying attention and in the moment, whether wasting time or working. In my career, I've asked peop

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