Icf Zürich English



This is the weekly podcast of ICF Zurich.More about ICF: icf.ch


  • All you need is love_EN – What happy families do – Leo & Susanna Bigger


    In this sermon, Leo & Susanna Bigger take you on a journey through the complex topic of family. They show that no family is perfect - remember the dramatic stories of Adam and Eve, Noah and David in the Bible. Have you ever thought your family was a mess? Leo encourages you to relax. Because the kingdom of God is not built on perfection, but on imperfect people like you and me. Leo and his wife Susanne share their personal experiences and give you practical tips on how to lead your family in a way that is fun and puts God at the center. They talk about the importance of thinking in terms of needs and delegating responsibility to enrich family life. Are you aware that your needs and those of your loved ones are constantly changing? The sermon challenges you to speak prophetic words, create memories, and live vividly with Jesus. It's about living a divine family and sometimes paying the price for it. How can you implement this in your everyday life? Get inspired and find out what the next step could be fo

  • All you need is love_EN – What makes relationships happy – Sarah & Michael Sieber


    This sermon from Michael & Sarah is about what makes happy relationships. They emphasize the importance of Jesus' command to love one another as he has loved us. This commandment of mutual submission and unconditional love is at the heart of a fulfilling relationship. The sermon encourages you to let go of your own expectations and get involved with your partner. It is emphasized that Jesus sets the example for us by first letting go and loving us unconditionally. Listeners are encouraged to openly communicate their hopes, dreams and desires and to support one another. The message is positive, uplifting and encouraging, and invites you to shape relationships in a deep and loving way.

  • #JESUS24_EN – The resurrection of Jesus: fact or myth? – Leo Bigger


    In this sermon, Leo Bigger speaks about the resurrection of Jesus and emphasizes its significance. He explains that Jesus' empty tomb is evidence that he rose from the dead. Leo emphasizes that this means that death no longer has power over us and that Jesus gives us a new life. He points to historical sources and facts that support the resurrection and encourages listeners not to keep their testimony of Jesus to themselves but to share it with others. Leo points out that belief in the resurrection of Jesus is a life-changing message that the world may not understand, but that saves us and brings us closer to the heart of Jesus. He urges the listeners to be courageous and spread the gospel because the tomb is empty and Jesus performed the miracle for us.

  • #JESUS24_EN – Disappointed by God’s presence – Susanna Bigger


    In her sermon, Susanna Bigger encourages us to overcome disappointed feelings about God's presence. She shares her personal experiences and emphasizes the importance of actively seeking Jesus and developing an intimate relationship with him. Susanna uses language images such as “setting the anchor” to make it clear that God gives us support in difficult times. We can use “setting the anchor” to determine where we want to stay, namely in his presence and not let ourselves drift around. Susanna encourages listeners to let go of the disappointments that can weigh us down like stones and to embrace God's presence. Susanna makes it clear that in our disappointment we must distinguish between Jesus as the bridegroom and the church as his bride. Look forward to a sermon that shows you practically how you can overcome disappointment in God and beautifully underlines the message visually.

  • #JESUS24_EN – I am disappointed in Jesus – Leo Bigger


    Leo Bigger preaches that we can also be disappointed in Jesus. His primary concern is that we do not form a false image of Jesus. Jesus is described in the Bible as the cornerstone, who serves to build us up but can also act as a stumbling block for others. It is important to recognize that our image of God is never incomplete and that we cannot explain everything in our lives by faith. Where is our stumbling block in life with Jesus? Leo illustrates this with the image of a coin, which, as we all know, has two sides. Just as our lives can have a beautiful, encouraging side, but also a downside that doesn't look good. Leo emphasizes that we shouldn't look at things one-sidedly and tell them. Our problem is not what we say, but what we leave out. Be excited for a sermon that will change your perspective.

  • #JESUS24_EN – For all those who have been disappointed – Leo Bigger


    Leo preaches about how we can guard our hearts to avoid being overwhelmed by disappointment. He uses the image of a cordoned off parking lot where you can open or leave the barrier chain so that things don't come in that don't belong. Leo makes it clear that it is up to us how we deal with disappointment and whether we allow it into our hearts. He emphasizes that we need to adjust our expectations of those around us. We must be careful not to be led astray by selfish desires or jealousy of fellow human beings. But even when disappointment comes to us, we should become wise and learn from our disappointments and be humble. Leo gives you the courage to fight against bitterness. He emphasizes that we should maintain unity and pray for it! Prayer for our fellow human beings, friends, the church or upcoming decisions! Stay tuned for a sermon that shows very practically how we can keep our hearts and unity in Jesus.

  • #JESUS24_EN – Why can’t I stop – Leo Bigger


    Why can't we just stop with behavior patterns that we know that they are not good for us? Leo Bigger talks about it in his sermon and how it is possible to take off bad habits. First of all, it is important to know why you exercise certain behavior. Leo calls this "recognizing his shortcoming", this is one of four practical tips that Leo names, which help us to change our behavior. In the event of changes, it is also important that we proceed in small steps, which is another tip that Leo illuminates in more detail. Be excited about a practical sermon with appropriate cross -trip to the Bible.

  • Vision Sunday (EN) – Send revival – Leo & Susanna Bigger

    25/02/2024 Duración: 34min

    Leo Bigger talks about the ICF at the vision Sunday and makes a location determination where the journey should go this year. Leo compares the ICF with a high tech sailboat, well equipped to sail. This requires three components. The boat, the church, which develops further here, takes us in Susanne Bigger. The crew, which must be enabled when dealing with the boat, how it works, explains Michi Sieber. And as the third the wind you have to ask for prayer. Here Leo still makes it clear that we also have to set the sail, each individual can pray for arousing for themselves and their environment. Be excited about a sermon in which you can find out a lot about the Heartbeat of the ICF and how you are able to fill your role in the crew to be ready for awakening!

  • Open Topic (EN) – The true Jesus – Dave Kull

    18/02/2024 Duración: 32min

    Dave Kull preaches how Jesus is and encourages you to deal with Jesus closer. He introduces various ideas of Jesus, such as the firefighter, the friend, the comforter and the coach. But Dave emphasizes that Jesus cannot be formed according to your own ideas, but that you have to get to know him by paying attention to his words and his actions in the Bible. Dave tells three stories in which Jesus presents himself in different ways: at the wedding in Kana, in the temple cleaning and when the Lazarus resurrects. It shows that Jesus has different sides, as he reacts differently to Marta and Maria to the news of Lazarus death. It encourages faith and can also empathize with the crying. Dave uses both sides to get to know Jesus and to endure the tension. To do this, he uses the image of a tent whose plants hold the tension. Dave encourages you to reconsider your image of God from Jesus and open up to a personal relationship with him.

  • Open Topic (EN) – Stirred – Saras Bany

    11/02/2024 Duración: 36min

    Saras Bany talks about revival and the Spirit of God, which is always close to us. He tells impressively how he found faith how he was touched by God's spirit and yet went back to a distance in his everyday life and even suffered a low. He emphasizes how important it is to invite God's spirit into his life and also experience change. He emphasizes that it is not just about experiencing God's spirit in the worship, but also to expect the work of God's spirit in his everyday life. Be excited about a sermon on the church, awakening and the Holy Spirit.

  • Dream like never before – The rocky road to the summit of determination – Daniel Nüesch

    04/02/2024 Duración: 29min

    Michael Sieber talks about the stony path to the summit of the destination. He encourages us to make our way to achieve our destiny, even if the way is bumpy. Michi uses the biblical background of the history of Jakob and Josef to illustrate his message. He emphasizes that God helps us in difficult times and that tests and challenges prepare us for the determination. To do this, he refers to the analogy to mountain climbing Mount Everest, during which you have to descend again to relax and build up red blood cells! Michi encourages you that you are not overwhelmed by frustration and despair, but can rely on God to make you on the way. He emphasizes that your calling not only concerns you, but God's plan for generations goes like Jakob and Josef!

  • Dream like never before – Hurt, forgive and experience miracles – Leo Bigger

    28/01/2024 Duración: 33min

    Leo Bigger talks about how to forgive and why this is forgiven for yourself so important to be free of bitterness and resentment. Leo encourages the listeners to remove their injuries and disappointments with God and be healed by him. He explains that forgiveness is a process that requires time and patience, but that it ultimately frees us and enables us to experience miracles in our lives as well as Josef with his brothers. Leo explains based on the image of a bilateral drawbar, which means reconciliation in which both sides have to participate. The reconciliation may also be connected to a test, since the lost trust must first be strengthened again. Leo explains the meaning of the cross and how it helps us to express our emotions and let go. He encourages the listeners to bless their enemies and forgive them, not because they deserve it, but because it is good for us. Leo concludes with the idea that reconciliation can be a long process, but that God is able to work miracles and to restore relationships. He

  • Dream like never before – This is how God’s favor grows in you – Leo Bigger

    21/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    In this sermon, Leo Bigger speaks about the growth of God's favor in our life. He emphasizes that God's favor is not randomly distributed, but that there are principles that we can follow in order to enlarge them. He pulls parallels between Josef and Jesus, since the story of Josef is a prophetic picture of Jesus. Leo encourages the listeners to stretch according to the presence of God and to submit to his will. He explains that God's favor is growing when we indulge in our heart and are ready to work on our character. Leo also talks about the test of forgiveness and how important it is to forgive people who have hurt us. He concludes the sermon with the appeal to give our heart God and let him shape and shape and shape us so that we can become a vessel for his favor.

  • Dream like never before – Mistakes and pain are never the end – Leo Bigger

    14/01/2024 Duración: 36min

    Leo Bigger preaches about dealing with disappointments and his own mistakes. At the beginning he is the challenging question: "What should be in the end of your life?" He refers to the history of Josef, who had a dream of God early on and ended up with God. The time in between is the challenge in which we go through ups and downs. We often experience disappointment and Leo makes it very clear with the image of the scales, which shows us how we overloaded topics in our lives and tilt into the other extremely extreme due to disappointments. The good message is, we can get rid of these disappointments again or exchange them on the cross. Leo makes this very practical and asks us to write the disappointments on a piece of paper and burn in the fire so that they no longer affect us. Be excited about a liberating and encouraging sermon.

  • Dream like never before – Dream God’s dreams – Leo Bigger

    07/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    In this sermon, Leo Bigger encourages the audience to dream of God's dreams. He talks about the meaning of dreams and passions that God puts in everyone. He emphasizes that God is not waiting for perfection, but needed us in our imperfection. Leo Bigger shares the story of Josef and explains that God's determination for our lives is often only revealed after a time of preparation and examination. He encourages the listeners to serve in their passion and not to wait until they are perfectly upgraded. When we start to serve in our passion, topics will arise. It is important to take roots, often pride or inferiority stands in the way in your life. With a call to kneel down and handing over all worries, mistakes and fears, Leo Bigger concludes with a call.

  • Christmas Celebrations (EN) – Free of fear – Pat Kliever

    10/12/2023 Duración: 28min

    In this sermon, Pat Kliever encourages you to become free of fear. He emphasizes how important it is that God is always with us and helps us in difficult times. Pat talks about the various aspects of the Christmas story and how people dealt with fear. He explains that fear of life, also a survival power, develops and leads us to concentrate on the essentials. Pat uses the image of a snow tiger to illustrate fear. He explains that we can get to believe by becoming afraid by becoming aware of what we are afraid of and bring it about God. Pat also emphasizes the importance of gratitude towards God, a key to overcome fear with God. Pat invites you to bring your fears to God and thank him for always taking care of you. Pat concludes with a prayer and the desire that you experience Christmas in a new dimension in which God starts to move miracles.

  • End Times – Hope for redemption – Michael Sieber

    26/11/2023 Duración: 40min

    In this sermon, Michael Sieber talks about hope and salvation in the context of the Middle East conflict - a topic that concerns us all. You will learn how current events between Israel and Hamas touch us and how they can represent a wake -up call of God. Michael encourages you to take a look beyond the box of everyday life and stay vigilant, because God still works wonders today. He takes you on a journey through the Bible and shows how the prophecies and the work of Jesus donate hope then as now. The first time Jesus as a humble peace bearer on a donkey in Jerusalem, will occur at his return King of Kings, that is the hope for us Christians. Michael asks the question of whether your heart is open to grant Jesus admission, or whether wall stones like in the East Gate of Jerusalem are now blocking the way. The sermon is an appeal to you to recognize and dismantle your own inner walls so that redemption can happen. She invites you to draw hope beyond the holidays and let Jesus go into your heart. Are you ready

  • End Times – Israel and Gaza – what are God’s goals in the end times? – Leo Bigger

    19/11/2023 Duración: 42min

    In this sermon, Leo Bigger takes you on a profound journey through the conflicts between Israel and Gaza and shows what God is going to do in this end -time phase. It begins with a strong metaphor: If you are attacked, a breakthrough is imminent - this applies to your life as well as to the history of Israel. Leo explains that challenges are often a harbinger of God's miracle. He talks about how important it is to compare the media reports with God's word and to understand that God promises hope and healing even in dark times. You may be wondering how everything has to do with you? Well, it's about being called Christians to make the Jewish people 'jealous' through our lives and our faith. We ourselves are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and through us God can work. The story shows that every attack on God's people is accompanied by a spiritual revival. Leo encourages you to stand in this truth and to recognize that God also wants to work in your life, even if you experience challenges. The message is clear:

  • End Times – The truth about Israel + Palestine – Leo Bigger

    12/11/2023 Duración: 37min

    In this sermon, Leo Bigger talks about the origin of Israel and Palestine and who is entitled to the country there. He explains the historical background of the country, the reference to the Bible and emphasizes that the state of Israel was given to the Jews by God. The Jews spread there over time and were driven out by the Romans at times by Emperor Titus and scattered worldwide. During this time, the Jews began to use their worldwide network to do business. In Hesekiel, God makes it clear that he will attribute his people back and so it also happened that Jews settled in Israel again. Leo makes it clear that the miracle of Israel makes it clear that God is true to God. Just as he stands by his commitments. Be excited about a sermon on the historical background of Israel and Palestine and God's promises for Israel and you as a Christian!

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